>> Friday, January 30, 2009
Here comes again another TAG of expo- say that received last week from RECHIE of My HideAway.Thanks again sstah ...aampunin na kita.lols.
01. Have you ever been on TV?
..............YES.(background la'ang).Israel TV news MAY'07
02.Have you ever sung in public?
..............NOPE! in the bathroom only.
03.Have you ever dyed your hair blond?
..............dye? YES not blond, just dark brown.
04.Have you ever eaten frog's legs?
..............YES but without my knowledge..crispy! sarap!
05.Have you ever received present that you really hated?
..............Can't remember eh.
06.Have you ever walked into a lamp post?
..............I wish but never try.
07.Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?
..............more than 100 people...planting rice eh.
08.Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
..............YES, pasikat bah sa inis!
09.Have you ever done volunteer work?
..............Always ...ayaw magbayad eh.

Elow te, thanks for posting this tag...xenxa na i alway give you tag ha...pg-interim post lang kasi yan mga tag and at the same time it can drive more traffic also
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