

I'm back again !!

>> Monday, February 01, 2010

hello, hello......I'm back again!!...

To all my co-bloggers, visitors/guests and viewers of this blog, I'm giving you all my hot and sweet hugs to each and every one of you.Your presence on this blog was HIGHLY APPRECIATED. Apologies annoyed me but I need to do it again and I had no choice , Sorry...sorry for not visiting you back and not replying some messages you've left here.Those messages in comments sections are the sure thing that I could do to repay you and visits you in coming days.

So..I'll be here just once in a while due to some work load that even my daily walking task had stopped. Sad to say that I gained a lot!.... am fat!!.(grrr)am BIG FAT mama totally (sigh).Please don't ask numbers, huhu.

Ohhh... there's humors about FB addiction, I'm not considering myself as one of them . Everybody on that site has their own purpose to hang in there , so as I have mine too.I almost completed some games that I did and meet or get in touch to all that I wanted to meet. So I'm thankful to FB that I found THEM ALL.

Have a nice day to all!!

Google adsense payment checque is not good in my location

>> Monday, November 09, 2009

Hello everyone.....

I was so frustrated for my adsense payments that until now I've never been changed it to become real money/dollar that my fingers could hold it on then go shopping.NEVER! come true.

In my view, the Google adsense payment checque is not good in my location. Last few weeks I went to the post office Natanya branch but they said it should be on the bank transaction. I was not convince on that because I knew that was there I need to go. I went again on same branch the next Sunday day off but still they pass it on to 3-4 persons then said to go to the bank. It's so hard here to find a truly public servant , I understand the culture which is heaven and earth different from my country in terms of public service.So , the next Sunday I went too early before the bank scheduled opening hours. No one assisted me because the one who was in-charged was not on duty that some told me to go back the next day which is Monday .I cannot go out on my work place in any days of the week excepting Sundays and that is my day off. In my eagerness to exchanged it I approach one in middle cubicle table.I was shocked how she acted on me but then I've always calm down . I felt what they have on their minds , I'm just caregiver.But suddenly one female came in then talked to me on a bit nice way and here I need to do for the adsense checque to exchanged.

****** I need to open a bank dollar account that is an EXTENSION BANK ACCOUNT to where I am working(employer).******This is the impossible things and will not happen what ever it takes. Funny but I was shocked after hearing it.

****** Then I need to deposit the checque and wait for a certain days to widraw it.****My goodness ! in just one hundred dollar I have a headache to go back and port to where I need to exchanged it? I'm sure if ever I get that 100$ I have already spend 200$ for medicines and taxi fares. 

So , I decided to just kept on my wallet the Google adsense  cheque for remembrance .


>> Thursday, October 08, 2009

HELLO WORLD..... it is true!! yes's true, I recieved the first payment from google adsense, I will exchange this check on Sunday at the post office. Sunday here is the first working day and Saturday is thier rest day of the week. This is a part of the google adsense program given to each bloggers like me. THANK YOU GOOGLE!!!

Hello, co-bloggers..... thanks to you all , promise I'll be back soon.

I almost lost my mind

>> Friday, September 25, 2009

SORRY..... to all EC droppers and co-bloggers specially  to all regulars readers of this blog . I hope I'll be back in few days or soon .

Due to some  work load on my daily life , it was not  physically but it was mentally heavy for the past few weeks and days  that I felt uneasy . I almost lost my mind that I can not write or I can't decide if I need to put it out here that I knew it will be a  big risks on my children's future.I just kept on thinking about it until I noticed that I forgot something just in an hour ago. As I became tough through all thing where I had been I find the ways to recover on my own ways . I kept my self busy and looking on the web some games and funny videos on youtube until I played the farm town on facebook.  I really enjoyed the games and found again some friends on other websites  that played in there too.

Caregivers here are working 24 hours in 6 days a week that some needy workers don't have any day offs for several months . Case to case bases, some employers forced to stay because they save for giving salary compared to local workers  and maybe some caregivers are  badly  needed of money . Sometimes  going day off was more tiring than staying on each work or much better to stay at work without spending any cents.

As we caregivers are emotionally and totally attached to our  dear elderly where we are serving our patients.This is a kind of job that your body is not working so much but your mind was working every minute specially if your working with half half Alzhiemers cases patients. Sometimes some caregivers said they are mentally tortured if the work they've got was so hard .

Again apologies . God Bless!.

What I have eaten during Erev Hag 2009?

>> Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Shana tova" and hag "zameach" that I heard as their greetings to each and every one with hugs and kisses to families and friends, wearing not so elegant but new and presentable . I loved looking at them on their happy faces welcoming their new year and another new beginning as they said.

First served was the juices and this kind of food that came from and purely fish pellet.This is the kosher food that my employer likes and  most favorite. Every time they serve in the dinning, this is the first choice by both of us. Gefilte fish as they named it, so easy to prepare.Get recipe here how to prepare and cook this Jewish food.

This is the only fresh salad I've chosen and few slices of small tomatoes.These have mixed with pomengrates and ripe pig tree fruit as toppings.

Soup - something like meat balls but with dough, good taste.

Look at my dinner plate , it has fried rice with raisin's, beef and rolled chicken meat inserted with nuts and some herbs or veggies that I taste. moments now and here I am pouring my glass of red wine.Just below half of my glass ,I might not drive our toy car to go home. "Don't drive while you drunk" right?

my friend Erika and her fiancee on the third long table from us.

There are a lot of foods prepared by the village kitchen chefs. I saw the bread, cakes and cookies.Fresh sliced of different kinds of fruits, cooked of dried mixture fruit called "komput".You pick what you want but I picked some and brought home, lol. Tea, coffee and colds drinks in another corner of the dinning hall. Great time and gathering that I included to my treasured moments here in my work place , Mishmar Hasharon.

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