>> Friday, May 15, 2009
This is the easy way and the fastest way to :1. Make your Authority Technorati explode. 2. Increase your Google Page Rank. 3. Get more traffic to your blog. 4. Makes more new friends.
Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can.
1. Picturing of Life 2. Juliana’s Site 3. Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future.4. Jeanne-The Callalily Space5.My Family is my Life 6. The Simple Life of a Baghag 7. On A Wonderful Day Like Today 8. House Everything 9. The Creativity in Me 10. Travel and Photography 11. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 12. You Are My Sunshine 13.Song to Remember 14. Super Blog 15. Philiippine Tv Marathon 16.Simply Blue 17. Breaking the Boundaries 18. Top Five 19. A Simple Life 20. Simple Happy Life 21. Basic Bloganomics 22.vhingF 23. Your next.........

The Interesting Blog Award was passed to me by my very kind and new found friend here in blogosphere in the name of DAVID FUNK on his blog called BASIC BLOGANOMICS.Thanks to you again DAVID F for remembering me and giving me this two tags/awards
Now I'm going to pass these awards to the following bloggers regardless if you were tagged one or both of them already or not:
Maxi, Meryl, Dhemz, Chuchie, S-H-Y, Dorothy L, Cacai M, Madz, I'm Grace, Katherine, Cecile, Grace Draper, Lulu, MOMGEN and anyone else that is on my Friend's Link List.
You can post it on any of your blogs if you have more than one.Lately I recieved both awards from Shaine of D' Anjhel's. Thanks again.

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