LAG BAOMER 2009.(bonfire)
>> Sunday, May 10, 2009
Lag Baomer is like making bonfire anywhere but on a safe place. On my understanding it is a holiday of FIRE and especial day for children's .Those who are in the city they are going out of town or near the sea to celebrate this night.They put potatoes on fire then they ate-last year I saw them eating and they all happy escpecially the young kids are all excited with this holiday.They're doing this only once in a year.Last few days I saw children gathering firewood and debris so... it is on my mind that this day is coming again.
Lag Baomer in 2009 is on Tuesday, the 12th of May.
Note that in the Jewish calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Jews will celebrate Lag Baomer on the sunset of Monday, the 11th of May.
When is Lag Baomer in 2006?****Tuesday-16th of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2007?****Sunday 06th of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2008?****Friday 23rd of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2009?****Tuesday 12th of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2010?****Sunday 02nd of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2011?****Sunday 22nd of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2012?****Thursday 10th of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2013?****Sunday 28th of April
When is Lag Baomer in 2014?****Sunday 18th of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2015?****Thursday 07th of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2016?****Thursday 26th of May
When is Lag Baomer in 2017?****Sunday 14th of May
This listings courtesy of
Tonight after the events I will add new fotages here, so make sure you'll be back ..

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