

Could any one tell me what happened to my pc? My browser is OPERA!

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

Almost one week that I did not reply back EC drops to any blogs- SORRY!. I encounter this problem, immediately  I send ticket to support team why I cannot log in. They reply promptly for how many times but still I cannot log in with email and password they sent to me. Below are the images of friends blogs that I saw everytime I'm visiting them . Please look carefully then leave a comment .Thank you.. every words you write on comments box will deeply be appreciated. Sorry to anonymous commenters.

This is my entrecard dashboard, you see that log in button and the logo? overlapped.
Adsense here was not normal- left side
My adsense here look like the above image
Blackend space is where my EC widgets and all images down are desame.


>> Wednesday, June 24, 2009

image from thank you!

Today is the 96th birthday of my old woman where I am working . We had a great times together for almost four years . A loving grandmother , a strong mother , and funny story teller when it comes to her lovelife way back in early years of her life. Born in WARSAW, POLAND on month of July 1913(no exact date) as she told me always but she did not witness or seen any of the Holocaust actions. She was already in Israel of about four years when Hitler's regime prosecuted most of jewish in European countries. So..she never seen her parents and younger brothers and some sisters since she left thier home in WARSAW. Savta Ester(savta = grandmother) as the people called it here was the eldest in family. I had meet one of her sister alive now living in Sweden with her children and grandchildren too.

I wish her good health and more birthdays to come . If I will be the creator I want to grant her life longer than the others . I want her to be a record breaker for the oldest humans living on this universe. I'll be proud to all my family especially my soon to be grandchildren that I am her caregiver . Abnormalities if I say we did not have any arguments but its always happening, we are both humans. Living to an inteligent woman is not the easy easy work but I'm happy to be with her .Widest explanations that she needs to hear always and I'm giving the unmeasured patience which I never did in my entire life . Learning some challenges in life of where she had been is a great inspirations to me.

AWARDS from Cecille & Klivengood

>> Monday, June 22, 2009

PERKY AWARD from Cicelle on her Kitchen...the HEART of OUR HOME and the BEST FOLLOWER AWARD from Katherine on her MOM's PLACE

~~~~~~~THE RULES~~~~~~~

1. Put this logo in your blog posting or
2. Invite 10 people to take this award
3. Do not forget to link back the web blog owned
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
5. Share the love to those who get this award.

I'm giving this award to all my bloggers links written on the sidebar. Please grab this two awards if you have time and post it into your blogs.THANKS!.

blogspot and blogpot

>> Friday, June 19, 2009

Are they in same word or meaning ? what is missing? Did you noticed what it is? how about this image below?Can you say few words about this? 

How many sites do the "" have? and/or  the "" has?Do you believe that this is just a coincidence?LOOK AT THE URL , see that ?

Hearing aid that might good to your grannies

>> Wednesday, June 17, 2009

These are the kinds of hearing aids that I usually seen in some elderly here.Choosing this device is not based on thier prices but to the quality on the item itself.It needs to test for few days up to one month or more to be sure that each one of these are properly fit to the person who wants to use. I try all of these how it works, pretty amazing!
connect on tv - is strictly  for tv sets only, unbelievable ! you can hear everything while viewing any tv programs, products of GERMANY. I cant give any information of the manufacturer because  booklets do not have english translation.
a - is the latest model something like two way radio , it can be use in an open air or/and  in a groups of people near to whom has wearing it, fantastic! 
b - is a pair to use on "a" in far distance like around the house, it has volume to adjust how far the  "a".
c- is like an "a" that can be use on the first stage of hearing loss cases

 All has each special rechargeable batteries . Booklets are written in hebrew but there is illustration drawn on how to operate the device.

romero(rosemary) herbal medicine

>> Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This is the herbal plant that I'm usually drinking even when I was at young age if I have stomach disorders like gas spasm or over eating,etc.Guides on how to use this herbal plant.

After that Saturday and Sunday food festival I had intake, here comes the problem on my stomach as the doctors diagnosis as flatulence and you know what is the next.I was just lucky that in my work place there is herbal medicines that I know how to use it. But here it is just an ordinary grasses for them. Some knew it but they prepared bottled or manufactured medicines as what we all know how does it tastes and how hard to prepare herbal medicines aside from their scents or odors.I'm avoiding taking manufacutred pills so I'm always looking for herbal medicines around.I always seen these in my country in all herbal store that are already dried and for sale. They have a lot around here, they put it sometimes in some fish menu in the dinning and my employer like that fish menu with these leaves.There is one chef on tv shows using these leaves to all his menu either meat or in veggies. I enjoyed these as my daily hot tea for the whole week until my stomach will be normal.


Saturday day off was scheduled for looking seafoods that are not eaten the whole week.Some caregivers can cook thier foods in thier employer's house but without seafoods or fish.Pork, seafoods are not the jewish foods and fish is cooked differently of what we wants.So every day off most caregivers cooks thier native foods on thier flat/apartments then eat the whole night long and drinks.Most birthdays are celebrated during Saturday nights or Sunday's.

My friend Jhing celebrated her birthday in so many ways.After attending the mass we went dinner to Mommy's Resto bar located at Bnei Brak cor Neveshanan in Tel Aviv, where the place of crowded foriegn workers hang out.We ordered foods that mixed all with seafoods. See that pictures over there? - rice with seafoods, noodles with seafoods and drinks but not seafoods , hahaha. They are serving Thai, Chinese, Japanese and filipino foods.We did wait the musical band to play that consist of some filipinos singing and dancing because we still have another birthday party to attend.

TOP TEN EC DROPPERS (14-May-14June' 09)

>> Sunday, June 14, 2009

Family Health Avenue ***31
Cacai's Step and Journey***31
The Cooling Stream***31
All blogspot templates ***31
Blogger Templates ***30
Bible Examples ***30
All contests ***30
Internation Musings***29
Serian Man ***29

THANK YOU again , guys. Four has perfect attendance on this blogs which I cannot repay them back. Others almost got to be perfect! . I'm sure you all guys memorized all my write ups  here, hihihi. To be honest is my best policy in my whole life , so blogging makes me crazy sometimes if I have a hard times and tiring days in my work. I'm trying to complete  EC drops in all of my four blogs but I failed. 

To all EC droppers,  it is worth a goldheart  in every drops you did. THANK YOU!!!


>> Thursday, June 11, 2009

Video from youtube under the account of~~~ GDizon07~~~


I put two flags here, if I have more I want to fill up the whole page to show to the whole blogland that I am a proud filipino caregiver working in Israel.I witnessed many years of thier independence here in my location and how they celebrated it,  first by  loud sirens hearing the whole nation, by displaying thier flags in all sides of thier properties, everywhere flags are flying , in all thier house front sides, to thier cars and even in groceries and kitchens - plates and paper cups are designed like of thier flag colors.

I want to give thanks Cecile of Kitchen...the heart of Our Home for reminding me by passing this tag

"The Philippine Declaration of Independence occurred on June 12, 1898 in the Philippines, where Filipino revolutionary forces under General Emilio Aguinaldo (later to become the Philippines' first Republican President) proclaimed the sovereignty and independence of the Philippine Islands from the colonial rule of Spain after the latter was defeated at the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War. The declaration, in the form of a proclamation, in the presence of a huge crowd, was done on June 12, 1898 at the ancestral home of General Emilio Aguinaldo between four and five in the afternoon in Cavite el Viejo (now Kawit), Cavite, some 30 kilometers South of Manila. The event saw the unfurling of the National Flag of the Philippines, made in Hong Kong by Mrs. Marcela Agoncillo, Lorenza Agoncillo and Delfina Herboza, and the performance of the Marcha Filipina Magdalo, as the Nation's National Anthem, now known as Lupang Hinirang, which was composed by Julian Felipe and played by the San Francisco de Malabon Marching band."

~Rules for this Operation 111 meme
~Copy the quotes provided above stating the history of the proclamation of Philippine Independence Day
~Must be a Filipino
~Tag as many Pinoy Bloggers you know
~You can also Check the Complete Posting Coverage

Psst...psssttt...Hey!..heyyyyyy...YOU.....YES!YOU!...are you filipino? BALUT  O PINOY? Oh..Come on, grab this meme then post to any of your web pages and join us to celebrate our independence. SEE YOU THERE!.


>> Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wheewww....Early morning I woke up to check my emails, approval adverts on EC and messages on tagboards that DEMZ of  My Life Perception and Inspiration  left message that she cannot write comments due some pop ups and if click on EC drops it  opened another site or advertisements. I encountered this last two weeks while dropping EC's to some blogs and left also messages to them on tagboard.

Last night before I went to bed I noticed the changes of on dashboard's alphabeth but I just ignored then dive to my bed and maybe snored the whole night .

This morning before I took out my morning star that everyday I did it, first I check my blogs comments, EC droppers, approval adverts if there is , I noticed again in blogger dashboard the same thing last night. As I thought that maybe I'm still dreaming then I continued my rounds to my blogs , the SURVIVOR was doubled layout and everything was extra,extra,extra large size of images , letters as in all what was there. I proceed to the OTHERSIDE but not desame , so I went to the bathroom and wash my face clean everything then go back my room to check again . Survivor was getting worse and I went to YANORZAH to read again the message of DEMZ then I send IM. She check it but its all okey but I refresh again in all my blogs was all ATTACKED by virus .  On my mind I hope and maybe there somebody will  have time to comments that this is VIRUS, so I click back the dashboard that I found out the comments left by Internations Musing - a group of bloggers which located in different countries with  different religions and beliefs but with one aim to contributes thier daily activities to the whole world  here is his comments left in my latest post "cold tomatoe juice"

Internation Musing said...

I got this report about your site; its full of virus and malware.(

June 9, 2009 9:25 PM

So.. immediately I checked all my blogs and I was SHOCKED- THE FOUR BLOGS WAS ALMOST BIGGER THAN ON MY SCREEN. Me and DEMZ exchanging IM's then did some search and I remember my latest activity was just added my three blogs the RANK WIDGETS , as DEMZ said to me to erase it all that widgets. It took  few minutes that it went back to normal but after lunch I checked again it became extra small , lol.  After I finished my daily routine I checked again and everything was in normal ...wheewww...Chilling ,giggling that I took my breakfast and lunch at desame time.

Again to DEMZ and to the group of INTERNATIONS MUSING --THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL OF YOU . I dont know what to do if no one of you noticed it and wrote messages. ( re: image from photobuckett)


>> Monday, June 08, 2009

No cholasterol, it has tested in low saturated fat, rich in vitamins A,B6 and C as the latest nutritional analysis.For those on going diet this veggies is the best anti-oxidants with the beta-carrotine vitamins, it has also rich in vitamins E that soothes  dry skin.To those suffering from high blood pressure this is good due the presence of potassium but low in sodium that helps or fights fluid retentions and stroke. Do you know that in 4oz/100g servings is equal to 17 calories present in tomatoes you consumed.Processed tomatoes like in cans or cooked are not desame nutritional values we get to the fresh.

Can I test your sense of smell here right now? How do you smell if you cooked with tomatoes? How about when you put it to blender to have juices or to cook?, or after all you make it cold ?.Please tell me now if do you like the smells or not? You see that in the image - I let it cold for few hours because I dont like the fresh and smells it. While dropping Ec's I'm drinking a glass of it. Summer heat is on in my location so I need another forms of liquid to drink .I'm not drinking juices in the bottles that bought in any stores.I'm drinking water more than the doctor's advice so I'm doing another source to forms as liquid or water. 

My employer don't like tomatoe juice, I just chop it into small cubes after putting deep to a boiled water to take out the first layer of tomatoe skin. She is the one mixing an amount of salt she desired to put.Almost every dinner I'm serving this to her with other foods that she wish to eat. Fruits are also taken after meals and she is not drinking enough water as per doctor's advice. So in any forms of liquid I'm trying to convinced her to drink.


>> Sunday, June 07, 2009

One among a lots of duties and responsilities of caregiver that stated on written contract was to accompany thier employer where ever they wanted to go.Inside and outside the house activities is a must and need to follow willingly.

Last Saturday after lunch time we went to the dance studio located inside this village to watched NAAMA. She is the grand daughter of my employer living just few meters from us with her parents and three brothers. She is also playing some musical instruments that she started at very young age.Sitting between yellow and violet as you can see on the image with her white swimming cap. She changed her costume for three times in the whole show as she participated in three different dance category.

Savta, as we usaually called to our employers, was very happy to watching her grand daughter and all performers on their dressed rehearsals.I was so happy too looking at her face smiling and sometimes she was asked from and whom childrens are those partipants performing.Savta usually watched on some tv channels a musical concerts and those classical dance shows.While watching tv shows sometimes she's joing singing in tune of whatever on the shows, clapping hands sometimes too.All programs related to musical dancing shows was she like most. We finished watching the shows without hearing her common complains of tiredness and pains.

I have an advantage compared to other workers that thier employers are not going to any activities outside for some valid reasons. I mean I'm on my work of duty with a complete salary at same time a pleasure like this for free of charge,lol.


>> Friday, June 05, 2009

Looking for this plant growing and drying around in my location makes me wonders of so many useful health facts if this herbal plant will be in my country.

Amaranthus Spinusos as the given scientific name , uray or kulitis in the Philippines has a lot of health benifits like IODINE, it has high Calories counts if we cook it like vegetables,has an ingredients found in LAXATIVE that used to avoid constipation. I always explaining this to my employer of how important this plant in my place during our time walking around as her daily exercise. She never believed me , all medicine she knows was all in the packages or in the bottles. It is also rich in calcuim, vitamins A, B4 and C. Young leaves if cooked and consumed helps as the easy way out of urine or it has called DIURETIC ingredients.Roots if boiled and drink its water is good to those who suffer bronchitis. But sad to say that in western country or to rich country they just treated as an ordinary grasses around.

Way back when I was young girl and living in the jungle with my grandparents we always cooked this together with the fish.Now I have nieghbor in the Philippines has a lady doctor daughter living and practice her doctoracy in the US is always looking for this plant. She even planting it in her backyard, I can't imagine how this former municipal judge in our place still wanted to eat this kind of herbal plants. Everytime I saw  this kulitis here I automatically remember her face, drawn and came out on my mind. She is now going to the age of ninety (90) if I'm not mistaken.


>> Thursday, June 04, 2009

I recieved this very important award from SCHIZOSHRINK . I'm really happy for those thoughtful words then giving me this piece.I recieved message on my tag board from David Funk , but I cannot open his blog . I dont really know where is the problem. Anyways and what ever award it was I'm recieving it now thru this post topic . BASIC BLOGANOMICS is the name of the blog. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FRIEND.Your such nice person around here to count as one among so many bests.

Here are the rules:

~~Begin Copy~~

This seal is called “Favorite Blogs” and has been awarded to SURVIVOR:the REALITY of my LIFE .
This is the easy way and the fastest way to:
- Make your Authority Technorati explode.
- Increase your Google Page Rank.
- Get more traffic to your blog.
- Makes more new friends.

The rules are very simple as follows :
- Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
- Put your own blog name and link.
- Tag your friends as much as you can.

Now I want to pass this award to the most blogs I love to read everyday.Hope you guys have time to spread out this award to all blogs that you feel interesting.
02. Serian Man
03. In My Kitchen
04. Lulu's Mouth's Delight
05. and to those in my links list...FEEL FREE to GRAB this award.

~~~~~~~End Copy~~~~~~~~


>> Wednesday, June 03, 2009

"Slipperry when wet" the sign boards that we can see if we are traveling along the roads and highways.Huge buildings and malls sometime you enter have a signages of "WET FLOOR" or "stay away this area" during that time of cleaning schedule.And caregiver's second major role was to clean the place/house where  they are working or staying like us here in Israel.In some other workers cleaning is thier main job not caregiving, while on me this is just a part or not compulsary but still I need to clean most of the time to avoid mis-conceptions  around here.

Must avoid to fall of our elderly is the one main word to put in my mine everyminute of the day. Cleaning is the hardest time for me especially when the elderly is busy looking for something then walking back and fort to where the wet area I am working with.Sometime reminding is worth nothing as she insisted of what she's looking for to do. So..usually I clean the floor if she's out or in the club house of elderly. Sometimes I did if  she is sleeping by closing her room door so that I clean other parts of the house

Most important part or corner of the house to watch if it is wet or dry are:

01. the rest rooms- most of the time they are coming in and out even they are not urinating or disposing there. Mirror is the one reason why they are getting inside then watching  always or fixing their hairstyle or some retouch powder on thier face and even the blouse collar they always fixing it.

02. floor area around  frigidaire- if the elderly still walking alone, they just go direct to get food or what ever they remember inside the the fridge.

03. chairs -around where they are always sitting most of the time, sometime it is already wet but they cant feel it or cannot be control to have pee on it.

04. passage or alley - to where they always walking in between rooms and rest rooms or way going to the kitchen and recieving room

05. There is one un-avoidable cases that usually the caregivers is the who slipped down. If the patient or an elderly living in one caregiver privately this was always happened. Patient that can move thier hands ups and down, sideward and backward they used to take off thier pampers in the middle of the night while this private caregiver was asleep. So when the pee is coming that always they could not control due to thier ages , before they reach the rest rooms  in just  2-3 meters distance all pees has gone and all down to the floor. How many times I was the one who slipped down , I always run to her room each time I heard  that she's moving. I put plastic and garterized cover  before putting the bed sheets so I heard the sounds of plastic cellophane . Thanks and good that I never brake my bones yet and not to be , huh! but followed by pains on my fat ass the next day, lol.

Personal Thank You Message

Recomendation Monday of I'm Grace was featured one of my blog, SURVIVOR .I was surprised and words ain't enough by now to say but deeply in my heart she has a big space and nice chair to talk with.One among a lots of blogs I'm following HER's in my of now as if I know her reality already.HUGS& KISSES for having a good heart.

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