Award from Vicky Lawrenz
>> Sunday, August 30, 2009

JEALOUSY defined as an emotions triggered to an opposite individuals with anger, sadness, disgusts and has a feeling of losing something at the end of thoughts.
Jealousy also had big role in care giving work due to different attitudes of every employer. Some caregivers had a hard time dealing their employer if they meet friends outside during their daily routine of giving her/him walking exercise.In this particular situation we caregivers looking each others and waving hands behind their back and we understand what does it means.There are employers got jealous then keeping their caregivers inside the house without talking to any one even on their own cellular phones.If we are outside during clinic appointments some employers don't want the doctor talking to the caregivers specially if it is in English.And to the extended family and friends of where the caregiver was serving,some elderly don't like to see them talking or having fun and they got jealous.
I have been there before my early years in Tel Aviv and in other areas.That is one reason why I don't stayed them in long period of time working even they asked favor to stay or for an additional salary.In the first month that I felt and observed uncomfortable I immediately informed and asked the manpower agency as early as possible all things happening.Then I'm giving them my decision to go and end my contract whether they approve it or not.
Yes and yes ... I need to work for a living , I want to have salary every end of the month but what is money if life is in misery? For me I cannot bring money in heaven , I can still earn money without jealousy and just in a nice way as long as I'm healthy and safe .
This is the Jewish tradition of mourning their relatives after funeral. "Sitting" as they called it here that all friends and relatives is coming to join each and everyone to where the deceased live. But if the certain house is not good or no spaces for their guests they announced it where like sometimes in the house or place of one of their children.
Mourning of shiv'a yomim is depend from what blood race they came from like my employer in Tel Aviv. They are from Teman, they are so religious that after funeral friends came early morning until almost midnight to pray .A lot of elderly came and go to pray and pray and telling of stories of their origins to the young mourners to know. My next employer was from Baghdad that they only pray on the 7th and last day of mourning.There are also friends and relatives coming during the day is something like working in different family race has different custom and tradition we followed.Also the food and the languages that sometimes we need to know the important translation of each word .But the most effective is the sign language to do.
Shiv'a yomim or sitting is like a reunion of friends and relatives of the deceased.They are coming with all their special bake cakes, bread and cookies.Siting with fun stories to every groups of peoples on each tables .It was so differently in my home country of mourning.
I also noticed that during the funeral they are not crying much or for their best they could is holding their breath of not to cry.Never I heard any sounds of cry or any. They are still trying to show of a half smile to all who joined them of their sympathies and loss.
During this shiv'a yomim most caregivers are also helping and still counting their days as working days.But there are families that after funerals they just giving schedule to their caregiver when and where to meet to settle their last obligations to workers.Sometimes even funerals they don't let the caregiver see the final resting place of her/his employer where they work day and night for how many numbers of years. So this is the end of everything for the good relationships between families and their caregivers. Very rare to families that after funeral they can still call or talk to their caregivers how is she going.Mostly employers relatives never remember the hardships or maybe I thought because they paid it all .
Chuchie of "Chuchie's Hideaway" gave me this tag, Thank You very much again .
This tag is called "Increase Your Link Tag" since this will really help to increase your link. Actually, that is the main purpose of tagging, to increase the numbers of your linkers. So, here are the rules for this tag:
1. Try to make a post just like this one and mention this process.
2. From the list of blog sites below remove the number 1 and move the rest in the list 1 step higher (i. e number 2 becomes number 1, and so on). Add your blog name in the 5th position. Don't forget to copy the links. (Here's my list-my site added in the end)
1. The Mommy Journey
2. Simple Happy Life
3. Basic Bloganomics
4. Chuchieshideaway
5. SURVIVOR:the Reality of my LIFE
3. List at most five of your friends blogsite here with link and inform them of this post and ask them to do the same. Here's my list:
1.To all who wants to have Xlinks of this blog , please leave message on comments box so that I can link you back..
May they rest in peace. We attended my employer's two best friends funeral last Monday and yesterday, Tuesday. My employer was so sad that make her uneasy for the last few days and sleepless nights . The first one was older than my employer of about six months.They are best of friends since their very young age way back in Warsaw, Poland.The other one was younger than my employer but they are friends too since they've meet here and stayed in this kibbutz (village).
They have here different ways of funeral ceremonies. When one person died in the early morning they buried it immediately in the afternoon or before sunset if there is no family members they have to wait . If some children or grand children are need too come , the funeral office took and freeze the body in certain place. I don't know where , never seen morgue or funeral houses here.The funeral service van was big as like an ambulance that have complete stuffs needed for an emergency purposes. I am confused before that I thought it was also an ambulance but it was not .From the house of the deceased the funeral service personnel first checked the body then wrapped and tied with a cloth . They change the cloth to white and covered the coffin with black before the final walk up the grave.
Not all remains was using coffins that made of an ordinary plywood as thick as one fourth I've seen.I observed that the size of a coffin was longer than the height of each remains.In our country it was bad. It should be exact and no single centimeter distance above the head and below the feet of the remains.
First they gathered in one place like here they called it "mo'adon". This is a multi-purpose building where the painting exhibit show before, celebrating birthdays and other occasions, meeting of conferences, etc.Then next was the final walk up the cemetery.From the funeral service van they put directly to where its final resting place.They did not wait all people behind to see before they drop it to the hole.They don't have here a concrete grave which is elevated from the ground. It was dug and under the ground funeral. After all it was covered with sand every one was so silent . Every members of the family , sometimes friends or any one who want to say something how and what kind of person the deceased was or how to be a friend of the deceased, etc...etc...that most and every body was crying even I found grasping my teary eyed.
They fixed the grave after few months some are just in days, the above portion was put a concrete or marble finished with the names, date of birth and the day when they died. It was written sometimes where they came from and the cause of their death.
talksmart Congrats. This blog has won the 2nd place for week 174 of the Filipino Blog of the Week Award.
Ayayayyyy....I'm not the "FIRST PLACER",84.70% and mine is 78% as second place. Maybe I need to vote myself - bwahaha...but I don't want to, I feel cheated as if I'm eating my own flesh and drink my own blood, right folks? Helloooo...I'm not vampire hehehe.
Okey...okey I need to say personally thru this blog.. "Thanks to all who spend their time to the polling center (blog homepage) and casts their vote for me". It is a great pleasure to know bloggers vote and knowing me day by day as I treasuring this moments to be and most memorable days on my blog life.
To the author of this award contest....Sir, professor, eng'r,etc.etc...More power to you and thanks for sharing us your unlimited talent .I'll be proud to anybody here that there is one Filipino working on one project involving NASA project.I'm lucky that you've came across to my blog.
Hey...wait!..Can I ask another favor?please? Please come back to the polling center and VOTE FOR "vhing4all-il-ph" AGAIN.. please? This is not my fault, sigh. There is second round, 175th week they said.(aikzzz hirap mangampanya, rollyyy..napasubo na ako d2, hehehe)Hope to see back again and vote for me. Thank You! thank you! thank you..
YouTube, air craft carrier tube and here is the lumber Dome tube!!.2X6(thick/wide-inch) lumber built as a tube service way to go inside the vicinity of the dome.There is no way or no one can escape here if you are already inside . lol.
Hi. This blog has been nominated for the Filipino Blog of the Week award (week 174). You may visit the site and vote. Poll is on the sidebar
August 14, 2009 - 8th deaths recorded for H1N1 latest updates, please read here
August 18,2009 - 10th death toll as the latest updates on H1N1 I noticed in everyday reading of every news here that mostly died are those patient diagnosed with cancer and other illness of elderly but they acquired or infected with this swine flu. Today's latest victims was reported from Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.
Food cooking time folks and here is what I will share for all of you. I'm the fastest chef caregiver ever! lol. I always cook the easy easy ways like mixing all ingredients then taste it and that's it! Stirring sideways , clockwise or counter clockwise and even crosswise until it becomes sticky then become more sticky up to 30 minutes of rolling. Taste if the corn flour are cooked then put to any baking pan with any designs you choose and let it cold to fridge.So yummy.... below are the ingredients I bought and mixed to a cooking pot.
A 40-year-old man died on Thursday morning at Petah Tikva's Beilinson Hospital, apparently as a result of complications from swine flu.
todays news August 13,2009 at JPosts headlines
High fever and sour throat bothered my caregiver friend in Tel Aviv that she used to call me if she need to bring her 8 year son to the hospital. Worries to all not just locals but also to all migrant worker like us because the news around the country was dominated by this swine flu.For the whole week that all news on tv telecast until Friday ,August 07, 2009 the ministry of health announced the fifth victim of said H1N1 in the country.
The latest news as of yesterday , Sunday another 15 people or nearly under 60 reported in serious conditions and struggling to survive on its complications of H1N1.
Lucky enough that after giving some medications at home my friend son's fever was out in the mid day.She gave more fruits to swallow so phlegm was carried away from the throat and a lot of liquid intake as forms of drinks.Rest is also the main factor and need to do if there is something or if we are not feeling well.