


>> Friday, January 30, 2009

Here comes again another TAG of expo- say that received last week from RECHIE of My HideAway.Thanks again sstah ...aampunin na kita.lols.

01. Have you ever been on TV?
..............YES.(background la'ang).Israel TV news MAY'07
02.Have you ever sung in public?
..............NOPE! in the bathroom only.
03.Have you ever dyed your hair blond?
..............dye? YES not blond, just dark brown.
04.Have you ever eaten frog's legs?
..............YES but without my knowledge..crispy! sarap!
05.Have you ever received present that you really hated?
..............Can't remember eh.
06.Have you ever walked into a lamp post?
..............I wish but never try.
07.Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?
..............more than 100 people...planting rice eh.
08.Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
..............YES, pasikat bah sa inis!
09.Have you ever done volunteer work?
..............Always ...ayaw magbayad eh.


>> Thursday, January 29, 2009

Start your health and beauty business with CONCEPT FOR BEAUTY . They will provides you all information's regarding this kind of business like PERSONAL GROOMING EQUIPMENT, Microdermabrasion Equipment, Vertical Tanning Beds . It is one stop online beauty supplier directory. It is the most comprehensive beauty search website on the net. Concept for Beauty is the best way to find and get in touch with the suppliers that can help you and your business. It also provides commercial supplies of all products for salons and beauty parlours.

Microdermabrasion means a cosmetic procedure usually performed in beauty salons, day spas, doctors´ practices, and medical spa´s.These are gentle and painless method of exfoliating the skin on the face or body including the improvement of photoaging, hyperpigmentation, acne, scars and stretch marks.It is also a safe, simple, cosmetic procedure in which an extremely fine mist of microscopic crystals or other abrasive substances are circulated over the skin to remove dead skin cells , oils and other debris that clog pores and lead to dull complexions and blemised the skin.This is a kind of treatments loved by celebrities, refining and purifying the skin.

Here is the link for total inquiries that you needed to ask :


February is the coldest month of the year I've ever felt since I arrived in ISRAEL.I am always wearing sports shoes of my entire years and even in my hometown too.But lately I felt something not good like dizziness, a lot of pains and colds even I put two to three pairs of socks. So, I asked to those who are always wearing and using leather boots. First I bought one pair so I can use it where ever we go with my employer especially for formal occasions.I found out that all my sickness during winter have gone.It is true and I am happy that they said it to me. Now I decided to have more pairs even though my day off schedule is during Sundays only.

Noblesse Oblige Award

>> Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This award was courtesy of RECHIE my younger sistah on this blogosphere . Thank you sis for giving me this memorable award. All conditions stated below in this award are touching and important to me as I am now showing to all of you that this is my inspirations of being far away from home.
This Award is presented to blogger who display consistency in any one or a combination of these conditions:

1. The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
2. The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3. There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs.
4. The Blog is refreshing and creative.
5. The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.

The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps:

1. Create a Post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award.
2. The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post.
3. Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or older Post to support.
4. The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions.

January 31 is my three months complete days for blogging ,my achievements are : received 20 tags and awards from different friends here in blogosphere,I posted 92 topics including this,thanks to more than 1,000 visitors who viewed my page,no earnings yet (lols) but I enjoyed everyday looking at my blog and visiting other blogs to which I included it as my daily routine too.Followers , entrecards droppers and all my links on this blog I'm so proud all of you guys .New visitors , your welcome to my page!

I am passing this award to I'm Grace, Madz, Grace, Ruth, Mauz , Joel, Jacky, James Francis Ryan , Healthy Life blog and to Maxi.
Hope you guys have time to post this. Thanks! and GRAB it now!

did you hear this MUSTANG WHEELS car accessories?

Or you need car accessories for your ford mustang car?Choice the original one, look for best quality and their trademark credibility.I'm suggesting once you buy cars it should be all original. Check every accessories, its originality's , all spare parts must be on each brand name.

MUSTANG WHEELS is a website dealing only the original Mustang Parts, headlights, tail lights, body kits accessories, wheels, spoilers,grilles,corner lights and fog lights.You can reach them on this telephone number (954)-762 -7624 and you can find everything you need for your car because there is BIG EVENT on this 2009 - SALES of ALL ITEMS!.

Here is the website you can ask to attend you anytime


>> Monday, January 26, 2009

This is the picture of our fully furnished ,(just outside)home in our place.Nine years of continuous constructions and now it looks like home sweet home.My friend's car displayed outside because we borrowed it before.Inside is like a gym or something like a warehouse that my kids can ride bicycle and do skating .We don't have many furniture's,only that one in one corner. A chair made of solid first class wood in our place. It can also serve as my wooden bed.And on one corner was a small table that made of same materials to the chair.And behind is wooden dresser where we are keeping our suits for especial occasions while the rest of our stuffs we put in a box.We have also our old bamboo chairs inside , completely made of bamboo.

I started the design and estimates last January 2000.Without finalizing it ,we started to put on to layout with my supervision.When I heard a news after a year of what happened to my husband , I stopped the construction and I used the budget for my applications abroad.That was just unfinished and without even trusses to fixed the roof.Within six months of waiting my papers to process we put a temporary GI sheets so that they can transfer from a native house ,bamboo house to a new build unfinished house.

PRAISE GOD!!! We made it all alone.


Since I started this kind of work here I've learned a lot of things about our health.In every employer I'm working with I always asked why there are always and how many kinds of vitamins they need to take everyday.While in fact they are all eating well , but still the doctors prescribing those vitamins.WHY? that I always asked , not all the foods that we take have complete supplements that the body needs.All green producers by this time are all using chemicals for big productions. Today's statistics for agricultural products are in higher demands but less in supplies.Those chemicals in every green leafy vegetables we ate for our daily consumptions , needs vitamins to protect and fights against bacteria.

When I was young we use herbal medicine.If someone in the family got ill we first aid by using herbal around in our backyard before sending the patients to hospitals or to the nearest doctor.But now everything are already in store , a processed products from all of those herbal plants.Supplies of all medicines are now easily to find on internet worldwide. On internet shopping is more comfortable than to go anywhere to look for what you need. In , you can order anything then they deliver right at your door.

I am now using this fish oil or named OMEGA 3 , why? in my home country the secondary food was fish to mention the main meal was rice.But here in abroad I feel we are already like carnivorous .Fish is not always the food they served,but on special occasions they serve their special kind of fish . As the years goes by we need all the supplements for healthy and great feeling everyday.There are so many fish oils processed product supplements on , just look for your choices with lower prices , they are on sale of all products until 3/11/09 only.

They have new product called ACIDOPHILUS - All of probiotic acidophilus supplements are designed to stimulate the growth of "friendly" bacteria in the intestines and encourage proper nutrient absorption.Probiotic acidophilus can be important for adults who are taking antibiotics like penicillin, because penicillin may decrease healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract.For information about this new product go to

They have promo sale of all items of about 1,400 vitamins and supplements that you need from PURITAN'S PRIDE.Buy 2, Get 3 Free OR Buy 1, Get 1 Free on Puritan's Pride Brand Vitamins. Don't miss out on this great sale!

Honest Scrap Award

>> Saturday, January 24, 2009

I got a tag few days ago from RECHIE again.. Thanks a lot little Sistah!for including me as one of your awardees of this Honest Scrap Award.I'm very honest person as I been told to every one. I do appreciate it heatedly.

When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.

Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!

FEW things about me:

♥ I got married at the age of almost out numbered in calendar. We got married after thirteen years of following me.

♥ I am now ----TY eight years old.Still too young to look for second love. We are engaged without holding the word YES. Never goes to movies alone, no dates , no holding hands , as nothing at all....basta wait ka lng, kelan kita gustuhin dyan! ok?

♥I started to work in Manila at the age of 16 as secretary in the factory of T-shirts .Work on day time 7:00 am to 4:00pm in Cubao. Attending classes from 5:30 pm until 9:30 pm in MLQU in Quiapo.I spent 5 years in 5th floor to finished my chosen course.

♥I am now a caregiver here in ISRAEL of not a single minute dreaming of working here. I finished first my daily routine before sitting down and go to blogging. I am a very strict person in terms of duty in work, trabaho lng -alang personalan.

♥ I am very frank person. I say what I want to say. I speak my mind and speak the truth.I'm always insisting things especially for good to every one. As in maingay talaga ako.

♥ I never ask help, I'm doing it alone and if I ask any help it is the last resort.

♥ I'm very friendly , I always respect and understand of being WHO you are not because of being WHAT you have.But if you have insomnia or hard to sleep problem , come to me I will sing for you - in just 3 minutes your already snoring.It's proven to my kids when they are babies.

♥ Of all these painstaking and sacrifices it's just because of my family especially my husband and my 3 teenagers, I am the only one working for them.

**I want to pass this award to those who want to share a little story of their lives to all of us here in blogsphere.So...GRAB it now! either who you are and even from where you are.

DUST in the WIND

It is very dusty outside when I go out to throw our garbage and dirty clothes to a laundry area.I used to sneeze for how many times until I got inside the house.My eyes also very itchy that my old woman asked why I'm scratching it always.The whole day I'm waiting to comes out the solar eclipse but due to those dust around I dont have any picture of todays event on the sky..

birthday wish award

>> Friday, January 23, 2009

I recieved another cool tag from GRACE of My World Is My Family This is a very nice birthday wish award and on the right timing .My birthday will be on April 24 - again? , few years back I am already forgotten the simple mathematics - I dont know how to add anymore during my birthday , but minus is always on my mind , lols.So...I'm still young and happy for everything of what I have now.Thank you my freind!

1. Make a list of what you want on your birthday...
..........GOOD HEALTH for my family esp to my hubby and kids>>>>>>>>>>> (sana mayaman na akopara uuwi na ako for gud)

2. The list should be 15 numbers >>>>> this is too much,lols.
............for my 3 kids - I wish they will finish their studies beloved mother I wish for more more years with us employer to change the guiness world of record, >>>>>longest life living my bothers & sisters wish them good health always. AMPON and his mother (my eldest daughter yaya >>>>>has 3 year old son which is blue baby and a paralyzed husband)
...........nieces & nephews
...........nieghbors and freinds that always there in time of>>>>>emergencies
...........YOU! yes ! all of you in blogsphere , I wish you always >>>>>visit my page
........... I wish and always PRAY for the world PEACE

3. Post the image of this award in your posting
..........done, it will also appear on my tags and awards slides show

4. Give it to 10 friends of yours.
..........HEY..YOU! the first visitor of the day.GRAB this award now.

Looking for more dream template design?

>> Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here we have more than 3,500 amazing templates! More templates selections of your dream to your blogs.Make your page be colorful to have more visitors.Dreamtemplate now offering Microsoft Office Templates including Word Templates & PowerPoint Templates.

In addition to website templates, they also offer other web content solutions such as CSS templates, Flash templates, logo templates, photoshop web designs, company form designs, newsletter templates and abstract images .Wanna see the proof ? open this website below & enjoy! .......

Why DreamTemplate?
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where are they going?

I just went back from a few minutes walk in a nearby village. On the way I saw this caregiver with her employer going outside, so.. I waited them to ask permission of their picture and little talk regarding her work.This is usually the work of caregivers here , one time in two purpose. First,the patients needs to be outside everyday for daily walk exercise,also every morning they have schedule to an elderly club session in a nearby place. Secondly, the caregiver can do shopping to the supermarket along the way. While in supermarket the caregiver give some drinks and snacks to her employer in one corner, so she could get all groceries that they need at home. Only the two of them inside the house so she could not leave alone her employer and she's bringing it everywhere she go.


>> Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obesity means overweight , do you agree? . Most of my experiences as caregiver are those patients with the history of obesity as they diagnosed it by now but before they called it overweight.Since they are obese for long period of their lives they become an Alzheimer's victim.It was true because all my patients are showing their albums/pictures during their early ages as pretty big woman's.If they are already an Alzheimer's patients they losing weight rapidly.This patients have different attitudes towards foods.Some are eating most of the time ,there is another that don't want eat anymore and the hardest work was the attitude of NOT SLEEPING the whole night long..So we must be aware of it.

All of us are familiar with the common risks of being obese .I personally THANKS to those websites posting about health risks tips. It means a reminder to all who in need to decrease their weights , some said it is because they are in business but for me they are just concern about one's health before getting late.

If you are planning to lose weight through the help of diet pills, use only the trusted brand.As I been told always you have choices in every diet pills you use. The best pill for your friend maybe not good for you . So any signs of not feeling well especially hard breathing please STOP using it and change immediately to other kind of pills. You can try as much as you can to get a great results.

I have another research here that I want to share to all of you for the best choice.The PROACTOL and HOODIA GORDONII PLUS diet pills. For complete testimonials about PROACTOL visit this site below , .For more information regarding diet pills please go to their websites.This is a health websites that helps us to know about our health and every product that they are recommending was approve by the are the two links to trust:

A to Z tag for 3rd times

I got another TAG from Madame Apro of APRHODITE: MY SO CALLED LIFE.
Logo/images of this tags will appear three times (3X) on TAGS and AWARDS slides show. Again, please scroll down to my archives of all my answers of this tag .Thank You Sistah!


Prayer Tag And Link For The Philippines And The Filipinos

This is a prayer tag and link for the Philippines and the Filipinos. You are enjoined to utter this prayer for nine (9) consecutive days and to tag as many bloggers as you can with preference for Filipinos. But only bona fide Filipinos shall be included in the official registry of Filipino bloggers in this blog. Each time a new blogger makes a link, be sure to send me an email of the entire link through so that the official list will be consolidated in a master list in this blog. For our Muslim brothers, you may make your own special prayer formula but you must never deviate from the formula of this entire post.

Dear heavenly Father, we consecrate to you our beloved country- the Philippines and all the Filipinos around the world. We acknowledge Father that apart from You, we can do nothing and it is only your divine providence and grace that can unite all Filipinos as one nation. We therefore humble ourselves before your throne. We confess all our sins to you individually and collectively as a nation. Forgive us our sins Father and wash us clean by the precious blood of Your beloved Son- Jesus Christ. Mend our wicked ways and let us experience a strong and genuine spiritual revival for ourselves and for our country. Let the Holy Spirit imbibe us with power, love and wisdom to return to Your path of holiness and righteousness. Bless our country, heavenly father. Bless all Filipinos wherever they maybe. Let progress, unity, harmony, stability, justice, peace and prosperity reign in our country.

Bless our leaders, from the President down to the lowest Barangay official. Touch their hearts that they may serve our country with all honesty and with love and integrity. Bless our children and our future generation. And bless us all Father in all aspects of our lives. This we pray to You heavenly Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

I recieved this TAG and LINK idea from SIR Mel Alarilla of ,Thank very much for this tag SIR.It is a great idea of uniting us filipinos to spread one message to the whole world.More power to you SIR.

I'm giving this tag to following and please help us to spread this TAG to all filipino bloggers worlwide.MABUHAY ANG SAMBAYANANG PILIPINO!!!!

Username/Blog URL
1. wolfwood16 of
2. Joel of
3. S-H-Y of
4. jonlynx of
5. Madame Apro of
6. grace of
7. jacky of
9. Rechie of
10.I'm Grace of
11. Maus of

And to all filipinos outhere , GRAB it now!

HUH! bath bombs!?

>> Tuesday, January 20, 2009

BOMBS! on a bath? a very intriguing words for me.You know that I am working in a country with always had war or most of the time on tv news are peoples always handling guns,etc. and now they used for a bath, ha-ha.I'm a kind of person that trying everything that I saw different on my eyesight.I want all of these things here . I'm keeping some penny every salary to provide my luxury here abroad even-though I know that it will be nothing soon if I go home for good .I just wanna taste a thing that we don't have on my native land, I mean in my home place.Most of us making shower before bedtime that most of your choices is the best scent your mate likes. And after a long day of work , it's time to relax and let these natural products spoil you.Pamper yourself or a loved one with all natural, luxury bath items that you can only get on this link

They have also gift items for this coming Valentine's DAY celebrations.These luxury baskets also make for a great gift for any holiday or special occasion like body gift sets. They all have for skin care products that are designed to penetrate deep to smooth, calm, and restore your skin to its natural beauty.

Dead sea products are already proven,I have for my foot , my body ,feeling fresh everyday.Also take note for using dead sea products , please consult your doctor before using this crystals salts items especially for those who have history of HBP.

Here are the total products you can ask for their website written above.
Bath and Body
Bath Accessories
Bath Bombs
Bath salts
Dead Sea Products
Natural Soap Skin Care
Products for Men
Hair Care
Gift Ideas
Free Product
this all I want here.A sample without any cost, lols.


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COOL WEBSITE who earned those ten(10) amazing awards since they begun hosting services.Site provides cheap web hosting & reseller hosting services. They only use reliable enterprise servers and guarantee 99.998% network up time per month.They are hosting 74,000 websites worldwide.Their main goals are providing the best customer service and providing excellent, reliable and state of the art products.For company information please open this link:
For websites affiliations please go to this link below . Any one can join and promote this websites are all welcome. Using their banners and please read instructions to this links Proven testimonials you can read on this link below

A to Z tag - for 2nd time around / NEVER GIVE UP

I received another TAG from Rechie of that she got it from two friends DEMCY & MADZ. Last week I had ONE from JONLYNX - he crack-en my head and challenge me for that to gave two answers, I called it TAG-LISH, so please scroll down to my archives to read all my answers for this tag.

Last week also I got TAG from Madame Apro of Aphrodite: My so called Life! .Thank you very much ladies!


One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality...
I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
'God', I asked, 'Can you give me one good reason not to quit?'
His answer surprised me...
'Look around', He said. 'Do you see the fern and the bamboo?'
'Yes', I replied.
'When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light.
I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.
Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did no! t quit on the bamboo. He said.
'In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit.
In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed.
I would not quit.' He said.
'Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.
I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.'
He asked me. 'Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots'.
'I would not quit on the bamboo.
I will never quit on you.'
'Don't compare yourself to others.' He said.
'The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern.
Yet they both make the forest beautiful.'
'Your time will come', God said to me.
'You will rise high'
'How high should I rise?' I asked.
'How high will the bamboo rise?' He asked in return.
'As high as it can?' I questioned.
'Yes.' He said, 'Give me glory by rising as high as you can.'
I left the forest and brought back this story.
I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.
Never, Never, Never Give up.
For the Christian Prayer is not an option but an opportunity.
Don't tell the Lord how big the problem is,
tell the problem how Great the Lord is!

Never in my mind to think of giving up what ever challenge the Almighty God given me , that is why I called my LIFE as one survivor.


>> Monday, January 19, 2009

I have a friend now working in UK that always convinced me to go for a change .First time she went there to work in a nursing home on far away locations.But she need and always have work in the city.One time we chat she told me that the office had permitted her to go where she wanted to with all the supports needed for hunt another job in the city.She is a RN and on her late 30's so need to find a job and lifetime partner in same period of time.She's always lucky of having a good looks and now have a 3 year old son with a nice company she's working with.It seems that she's not worried even her son or either her husband got sick.She always saying that DR. FOSTER , I just thought it was a family doctor or a friend of her husband.I always told her that no need a doctor because she is a nurse.But sometimes caring a family or any relatives especially an emergency or in critical conditions is not successful due to emotions that no one can control instantly of what they've seen in actual situations.

Last week she buzzed me again to have a chat but I'm too busy because we're going to a doctor in the city for my old woman.I just told her to leave all messages so that I can read it if we finished the appointment.She wrote : I need to get you outhere ,your (its me) already had nervous on your job, I (she) feel your working with a lot of tensions, and lot more of bla-bla-bla.Until she told again that here in UK you have a good time ,we (they) are in the high tech country , Dr.Foster (again?) is always there anytime of the day, I(she) trusted them wholeheartedly.Dr Foster UK Medical and she left this website the last message was a bit of jokes that I usually heard from most of my friends."Don't worry , I will put you on Buckingham palace coz we know your working now to a mother of dignitaries there and soon to be a prime minister ...ha-ha-ha-ha" , she is a great friend of mine with always have a sense of humor. Yesterday again , in my curiosity I opened the said website. I woke up with a headache and I want another kind of medicine to take.

Speaking of Dr. Foster , he has compiled the prevalence rates of obesity from 2006-7 for the different regions of Britain. It is the complete online medical guide resource that provides essential information on NHS and private health services in your area.

Dr.Foster Health Guides - the most prestigious and the UK's leading independent provider of health information.

Health facilities in SALT LAKE CITY

HEALTH IS WEALTH and we cannot bring money to death. Salt Lake City is one among the crowded area in America , so drug addicts are just around.There is one non-profit drug rehabilitation for this problems to less the numbers among of those affected.In putting every patient like relatives, freinds and anybody who can read this , I want to tell you that you need to count the quality of services they are giving but not the amount of money you are paying.Choices sometimes based on how the workers and staffs treated of each patients.Not all those who paid the highest amount are the best facilities or a well-known rehabilitation's are good.It depends upon the groups of its organization who managing all the staffs and workers that you can trust like DRUG founded in year 2002 and help campaign of those affected by drug addiction or you can get in touch thru Skype +1866 795 3830 and any of their list websites below:

Drug rehab facilities Utah
Drug Treatment centers in Salt lake City
Alcohol treatment facilities in Salt Lake City Utah


I got this email yesterday about this SEO services, as newbie I am curious for everything on how to improve and gain rank either on page or traffic.Everyday I used to crawl for how many websites reading all of these things.Today for how many hours reading on this site and I learned a lot of what I need to my site.The said BACK LINKS which is one of the most important to any websites and on this website we can trust them to do everything the best as they can. They provided services both onpage and offlpage SEO,reports and list are on time , they are using manuals submitted by 73 decent professionals that are working 24hrs to help each clients satisfaction and provide a high quality services to put them on top, the cheapest services ever I know around the market and lastly they are not doing this to porn sites, gambling sites and casino's sites - this proves that one of kind services they have, so purely professional and clean business in blogging .List below are useful links : SEO Directory and Bloggerall .

Total SEO Services they provide:
12 month maintenance service.
Ranking Report by keywords and search engines.
Special Guidance for All Promotions.
All Directory and Website Submissions.
web site's main page Optimization.
Our 3 Design of the main Page+2 Alternate Pages.
20 Keywords and phrases optimization.

Other Featured SEO services are the following:
Keywords and phrases optimization
Meta tag Analysis
Load time analysis
Competitors Analysis
Valid xhtml and css check
Keyword Spider
Position Track
Link Track
Code Check.
Relevant Backlinks
301 Redirects


I deleted most of my widgets and created a slide show that I made through I have three and the first one for "about me" section. Those who are asking for more information on me here are the slide show to view of where I am today .Next was from all the TAGS and AWARDS that I received or anyone who awarded me.And the last one will appear in few days , I still working on it and need some additional images to collect . All images that I used in posting will come out on that slideshow - BLOG's GALLERY.

You can comments through this post based on that images, any comments are WELCOME!

Picture taking is just my hobby ever since so my freinds called me photo-OH-ga-GA.I am taking pictures of anything new on my eyesight.


>> Sunday, January 18, 2009

my Alexa widgets that I used to delete and put it back again and again because I noticed there something wrong on their measurement or what ever they called it.I'm newbie but it goes on simple way of observing on how it appears on my blog.I started with 16 million plus figure then after 3 weeks it goes down to 8 million plus.Then weekly it went down but last month I saw it in desame figure as of today.I send messages to help/support group that maybe this numbers are not mine because my visitors keep on going to high numbers.Yesterday I'm happy that it was already 1,988,113 on traffic rank, it was also in site info widgets all of these numbers last 3 days.Today when I woke up opening my page again it goes back to 2,940, 794.I don't really understand this.Are you guys experiencing like this or did you noticed it? How these situation affect on my blog? Are these widgets really need to put on? What for? Please leave your comments regarding this ups and downs measurement of Alexa traffic rank and site info.
I am always appreciating all comments for my improvements.
thanks in advance.god bliss.


>> Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm just finished chatting my family a while ago with my beloved mother.My father's death anniversary will be on January 27. One year of lonely thoughts of why so fast and instant death. Yesterday they started cleaning and fixing the area,it is prepared for a family tomb,so..we brothers and sisters put a big amount on that small house of my father in cemetery.Only one brother of mine will go home on Feb to attend, he used to work on a nice and biggest company in UAE with a good benefits that he could go home anytime he wants .Unlike us here , we always have vacation with our own expenses .

And yesterday was my son's 14th birthday.I'm very busy in the morning so I forgot to call or even send a text messages.Around 6:00 pm (ph time) I received text messages from them asking "WHY" and where I am. Immediately I dial and explained it.He was proud saying that they have delicious menu for his birthday. I almost cry hearing it, because those foods is just an ordinary food here in abroad but in our place that's for special occasions.He was very happy too that his classmates and teachers sung and greeted him in school even without a party.Most of the time if I'm too busy I cannot remember those memorable days.I need to focus on my work everyday.

Care giving is different from other kind of work , it is a mind concentration or an observations in every moves of the patients.It is also an attention of all times to look after on patients needs.A rendered work for patients satisfaction. I'm just lucky that my employer, patient is not yet on fragile situation that's why I have time on my personal things to do and time on my blog to write.

my EMPLOYER meet children's from other school

>> Thursday, January 15, 2009

These are the children from grade four of BIET SEFER KEDEM in MOSYAB OLESH.They want to see the mother of their defense minister and the place where he was born. They never talked about the war in this visit. They go around the kibbutz as part of their educational tour in this place.This picture was taken inside the BIET NARKIS. In the picture we saw children and their teacher listening the story of how was this kibbutz when SAVTA (grandmother)ESTER first arrived on this area.This is a great moments for my employer, a story telling times especially for children. She loved children's very much.

Standing behind SAVTA ESTER is NITZA , a caretaker of BIET NARKIS where the elderly came here everyday to work.Each has their own table or corner place to do their assigned work , like putting code on every item, sometime they put it inside in a clear plastic or folding it one by one before it put to plastic.A simple things to do but it is one of mind exercises for the elderly instead of staying inside their home everyday.


>> Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Runny nose,fever, flu and coughing are always around during winter.We can see people sneezing and coughing wherever we go.No one can stop this to let others be safe like our employers.Usually both of us have in same period of time or sometime from caregiver transferring to her/his employer.An avoidable crisis for both of us if is not healed immediately.All elderly that feel uncomfortable like having all of these are not easy to handle with.Their attitudes toward us changes and they are always feeling of irritated of what we don't know and why.Pain relievers are not good anymore if you have it most of the time.We are lucky this season that it was all gone without consulting the doctor.

Muscle pains is another burden during winter.The other day my employer was complaining of pains somewhere in right side of her hips.I did a massage with pain reliever cream and I gave her a pain reliever tablets.It is a muscle pains due to lack of movements for how many hours.I mean like walking in few meters outside the house. Cold and windy outside that we could not go out so as I cannot force her to do it.Sometime this muscle pain cause by not moving side to side the whole night of sleeping.Then we woke up in the morning asking ourselves why we have pains that just sleeping soundly good.

Laziness is also one bad habit during this season.Funny to say that almost not getting up early because of cold feeling.Want to stay in bed but trying to stand up to start what to do before my employer wake up.A phrase of "I am on my work and I'm not on my own house" are the words that I need to insist to my mind.My one friend said she hates winter because there are a lot of clothing to use.She also hates to do the laundry even in machine wash.


Last night my friend in Tel Aviv called me that her employer had passed away.She used to say it is on the right timing because she needs to go home. Its been a long time that she never have vacation.She will spend few months to her family and will apply soon for medical assistant.She studied on internet education while working as caregiver here.Now that she will soon receive her certificate she could apply as a medical assistant in anywhere else she wants to go.In just 6-8 weeks on studying at the same time working, you can acquire this certificate as medical assistant. I saw on their site that mostly specialist who are conducting this education on the web.Professors and Specialists join together to help and widen the knowledge of some interested to become a medical assistant. In , this website that always talked all about MEDICAL ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE.You can visit this website anytime for inquiries and more information that you wanted to ask.Advantages of enrolling to this site is like the following:
............... All classes and training are online. Virtual labs facilitate comprehensive training.
................Complete flexibility of time to suit every individual
................Medical Assistant certificate in 6-8 weeks from begin of course
................The best of knowledge and skills offered during training by professionals
................Financially viable program plans
Ease of payment
................The best support ever online for medical assistant

Be proud of holding and representing your medical assistant certificate with the big logo of ST. AUGUSTINE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES , for medical assistants and a home study program for all ages.

i'm joining a big contest called "WIN A BAZILLION CREDITS PLUS ONE"

>> Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here comes another contest of ENTRECARD BLOG to earn more EC credits,not just by dropping to add more credits.Come and join us to find more and more credits of what we are looking for.By following 2 steps below your automatically on the game.So...what are you waiting for? I want the highest numbers of course or maybe YOU can win for it. Or any of them I hope I could claim one among those prizes.

just follow this:
1. Write about this contest and just mention the one prize you want to win. Then leave a comment on this blog post with the link for us to see. 1 ENTRY

2. Write about this contest on your blog, mention the prize you want to win and copy ALL of the sponsors. Then leave a comment on this blog post with the link for us to see. 3 ENTRIES

This contest will end exactly at 12:01 AM on 1/31/09. Thanks and good luck!

and HERE ARE THE SPONSORS :(In order of mostest credits. Natch!)

Games, Downloads, Walkthroughs - 25,000ec

Google Stalking - 20,001ec

Fragile Heart - 20,000ec

Atlanta Realtors - 10,000ec

The Beauty Denominator - 5,000ec

Norwegian Programmer - 5,000ec

nuke it dot org - 5000ec

Lofty Matters - 3000ec

Random Detox - 3000ec

Guilty Pleasures - 3000ec

Freebies - 3000ec

Project Kickass - 3000ec

Total Web Review - 3000ec

Realm of Prosperity - 2000ec

Fantasy Baseball Rankings - 2000ec

Webbiestuffs - 2000ec

Tazdog - 1500ec

Niacin Flush - 1000ec

Reading Lounge - 1000ec

Fendi Bags For Sale - 1000ec

Michael Aulia - 1000ec

Fish Oil Benefits - 1000ec

Better Interpersonal Communication - 1000ec

Singaporean in London - 1000ec

Diva Fabulosa - 1000ec

Expat wife blogging - 1000ec

Baby Frog Gifts For The Princess In Your Life - 1000ec

Health and Beauty Diva - 1000ec

Certified Pinoy Blogger - 1000ec

Make Money Online With Makoy - 1000ec

Versace Designer Sunglasses - 1000ec

Botany Extracts Aromatherapy Massage Oils - 1000ec

Makoy’s Take On The Arts And The Entertainment - 1000ec

Ken Armstrong Writing Stuff - 1000ec


Total Web Review - 1 month text link ad, 1 month 125×125 ad and a Blog Review (that’s three separate prizes)

Momma Wannabe - 1 month text link ad

Charcotrip travel blog - 1 Month 125×125 ad.

Celebrity Pics - A mousepad.

I'm reminding you again that this contest will end exactly at 12:01 AM on 1/31/09. Thanks and good luck!

MY FIRST month EC droppers (dec. 13 ' 08 - jan.13 ' 09)

2. Blog De Manila - 9
3. Serian Man - 8
4. Sonnie Porch - 7
5. Theme - 6
6. We Live to Tell Gods Amazing Grace - 5
7. Aphrodite:MY SO CALLED LIFE - 5
8. All Contests - 5
9. kramlo - 5
10. - 5
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24X7 Online Diva
A Changing Life
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Call Center Gal
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Carole's Thoughtful Spot
David Musings
The Daily Dish
Blogging Buddha
Drive Traffic with our own FREE BOOK
One social Arrow
Montana Moods
Retired and Restless
Nature for our future
Start your own European stamp collection
Around Nature Spring
My Life in Italy
Black holes and Astrostuff
transformed life
man in the moon
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Money Cock
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Entrecard Tips
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Rider Magazine
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Free Blogger Template
Under Heavens!


"PERIGEE MOON" (full moon /10 jan'09)

>> Saturday, January 10, 2009

I remember when I was young in our village,we are playing outside if the moon was very bright. Before, the only thing I knew about the moon was writing C,D,O and no more.It is true that we can ride a bike,counting stars during the nights of full moon.We do not have news papers that time like us living in the nearby mountains.

PERIGEE MOON is as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than "regular full moons" because it is about 50,000 kilometers closer to the earth and that is according to NASA's report.So, it is bigger than the monthly full moon size.I did not try to read newspapers outside as like other said because it is too cloudy after half an hour that I took pictures.

Here are my best shots sitting in my window:

"Yoga Poses & Flexibility Made Easy with YOGABODY Naturals Yoga Exercises"

>> Friday, January 09, 2009

What comes first to your mind for the word YOGA? Is it possible for all ages? or do they have any age bracket to performed it?.As I told you that I'm going on diet for using PILLS only because it is hard for me to have exercise due to my age and work schedule , but lately all my thoughts are gone wrong after I visited this website and I found a lot of interesting facts to be used in our daily life.In doing this is just 15 minutes everyday before you go to your work - inside or outside your home.It is just a matter of practising everyday or at any hour of the day that you want.

Even an elderly have their own way of doing it, I've seen it in some elderly clubs or in some elderly homes. Yes!!! I know some other laughs because most of us if we heard the word YOGA it means a folded body or needs to be elastic body but it is not true. It has a slowly but surely movements until it will come to a perfect way of performing it. Thanks that my friends told me to research on the web and try for immediate nice result.I'm not looking for body beautiful but I'm just aware of becoming the victims of some mind diseases .Specialists said if we are obese from the young ages or more than 5 years overweight there's a high risk of having deadly and long term kind of diseases.

I also thought before that it is for rich people only because they need to be a part of socialite world.Walking like a fashion model or sitting like a queens are some ways of simple yoga. Now I know that yoga has its own categories that could use for all ages .Accurate information will have answers by opening their websites.Here are some materials for beginners like me that they can provide:
.......................YOGABODY Naturals Flexibility Kit-
.......................stretching handbook-, all-natural supplements- training

" A to Z " TAG


I got this TAG from jonlynx of Philippines vs. Brunei Darussalam blog .It is a kind of tagalog version blog.I need to answer these in TAG-LISH because mine was in english version of blog.This is very challenging tag-post I've ever had .There is tagalog words that don't have exact meaning in english.Let us try and read below. I always love both things , except that worms , why need choices here.

A - Attached or Single? - may kapareha na - have partner
B - Best Friend? - tambak - a lot
C - Cake or pie? - pareho - both
D - Day of choice? - Linggo - sunday/ day off
E - Essential item? - radyo F(uro)M(usika)-radio fm
F - Favorite Color? - bahaghari- benitton colors
G - Gummy Bears or Worms? -------..........ZZZZZZZZZZ
H - Hometown? - Roxas,(silangang) ORIENTAL MINDORO
I - Indulgence? - ano e2 - what!?
J - June or July? - Hulyo dalawampu't siyam - July 29 /my eldest daughter birthday
K - Kids ?- dalawang maria:marianne&mariaLEEZAH , and NORMAN (nog-nog eh)
L - Life is not complete w/o - musikahan -sounds of music
M - Marriage date? -ika-tatlumpo ng Abril taong labing siyam at siyam na po -April 30,1990
N - Number of magazine subscriptions - sa dami - so many
O - Orange or apple? - pareho - both
P - Phobias? - manyak - rapist
.Q - Quotes? - Minsan sarap buhay sa abroad lalo na pag-araw ng sahud-
sometime life in abroad was so good especially salary day..(hehehe---huh!)
R - Reason to smile? - Masaya - happy & inspired ah..
.S - Season of choice? - Pasko - christmas / lot of gifts
T - Tag 5 people - I'm Grace , wolfwood16 , S-H-Y , maus , rechie
U - Unknown fact about me - di ko alam - i dont know yet
V - Vegetable? - Lahat ng klase ng gulay - everything except poisonous
W - Worst habit? - oi..kayo ha? - I'm begging , let it be secret.
X - Xray or ultrasound? -kahit alin pede - any will do
Y - Your favorite foods? - pwera lason nga - all human foods
Z - Zodiac sign -(di ko alam sa tagalog e2 eh) - Taurus

Grab this tag now , just for fun.
Please give comments for corrections of some word translation.
I apprecaite your cooperation.

WHEWW!!!!pinahirapan mo ako jonlynx - hehehe - bisaya ako eh.

LONDON dream come TRUE

We supposed to have two days vacation last holiday seasons in a nearby country but a week after that we organized our trip ,one member had an unexpected problem in her work.Also days after Christmas , war in Gaza was started.It was a blessings that some circumstances happened or else we are stranded in there.

Yesterday , my friends again called me to plan and organize another trip for our holy week four days vacation.Our employers are giving us privileges in every holidays of where and when we can use it.A lot of suggestions and searches we've made in internet until we found out that in just an additional of less than a half of total expenses we can go to LONDON .Yes!!! its London this time,we are all agreed .One member want to have an early reservations in LONDLON HOTEL.Her relatives experienced a pleasant services and said they are respectful to every clients who entered in that hotel.They felt at home of four days stayed in there.So...for some of you out there also who are planning to have vacation in this wonderful world of where we can find a Queen and her Buckingham Palace , just have an early reservations on this LONDLON HOTEL and they will guide you around there.For inquiries here is the link



>> Thursday, January 08, 2009

I am sharing these poem to all of YOU!!! I am THANKFUL for all the blessings that the LORD gave me everyday and for tomorrow that will be.For all those trials that gave me more strength to move on.For all of YOU here in blog sphere that showed with great support on my blog .To every blogs that I open and read, I've learned a lot from them.And for everything : HE answered all my prayers!.

I am thankful for everything I have experienced
In this life of mine
For in all I have found
That in His Word-the answers I find

I am thankful for all the tears I have cried
For they have taught me to appreciate laughter
They have given me the ability to see the
The joy that comes after

Through my tears I have come to know
His Holy Spirit in my life
How He is always there
And comforts through the strife

I am thankful for the storms I have encountered
Knowing that the rainbow is at the end
Realization that they are only temporal
That with time all will mend

I have learned that I don’t need to be strong
For God supplies the strength for me
He shoulders my burdens
Regardless of what the circumstance may be

I am thankful for all the relationships
For the good and yes, for the bad
For they have given life to my emotions
An appreciation of what I have had

My most valuable relationship
Is that with God, my Father
I know that I can trust Him
As I can trust no other

I am thankful for the pain I have known
It has given a compassion for the suffering
An ability to reach out to others
An appreciation of little things

I understand the greatness of God's love
And the pain He has suffered for me
How He endured all things
So that I could be set free

I am thankful for the hunger and thirst
That I have had to go through
I appreciate having food before me
And sharing it with others too

He has given himself as my food and drink
To make sure that I was fed
His Blood shed for my drink
And His Body broken for my bread

Most of all, I am thankful for His Grace
For the provisions that it brings
How it has provided for
Me in all things

-Kathleen Shelton Poulson
(author) thanks to you!
shared by : MADAME APRO


We've been in the city this morning for an eye check up of my employer.Few weeks ago she was complaining of uncomfortable and itchy from her eyes.I'm putting everyday some eye drops or sometimes an eye ointment that previously prescribed by same doctor. Lately half of the left eye was in red color and she is always scratching it.There was some dirty and yellowish eye boogers comes out daily. I noticed also that a bit swollen both eyes and I saw it differently like before. Tears that she never felt it falling down.

Dr. Fogel Rami,an ophthalmologist that we are always having this appointment gave another kind of eye drops. He checked and put some eye drops then we waited for 20 minutes then he checked again .Everything was fine, some of her complains was ignored. I understand that it needs to watch her to avoid scratching so that it will not get worse.An elderly has a sensitive skin in all parts of her body.So, in scratching it will form a blood clot on that certain parts of the skin , it takes for one week or more of not seeing it. I put a cream but it doesn't work out to vanish the red spot of the skin.


>> Wednesday, January 07, 2009

DECEMBER 27,2008.
While HAMAS in Gaza and IDF exchanging their rocket SMOKES, guns and other military weapons of war, filipino community is celebrating their holidays by having Christmas programs at the 4th floor of takana merkazit (central bus station) in Tel Aviv.A lot of fun's and cheering sounds until midnight.No signs of fear and worries from whats going on in the southern part of the country..Below are my few pictures taken for a remembrance of holiday season 2008 .I'm sharing all of you these.

SANTA CLAUS was welcome with a smokes props from the stage with the host and other participants
Here are the dancers and singing at desame time on their best
This is the best singer I'd like to hear and I gave my loudest cheers. opppssss.....dancers showing their great ASS in tune of SPHAGHETING PABABA and OTSO-OTSO PA!!!! .............HALA BIRA!!!!!!!
Children's of filipinos joined the stage for their dance presentations - kanya-kanyang banat.. ...he he he
These are the audience in the right side of the stage...
Mothers with young babies just satisfied to hear the sounds in a far distance
Show without lip-sync is not complete....unknown gender.... you can guess..
From Philippine embassy who pick up my entry card for consolation price ...
BULLS EYE!!!! I won this bag full of children's toys and chocolates,etc.I gave to Joshua, son of my childhood friend ELSIE.

HUPPPSSssss... a gift from friendster friend working in Taiwan,MS.VIOLY TAYAG. thank you sa ulitin....ha ha ha.

and lastly ,these are an assorted gifts from daughters in law of my employer,cards from SHARORA of USA,MBYUTI in Germany...and more msgs on the way ....lets put 'em all in private.thanks to all.



>> Tuesday, January 06, 2009

After a long chat with my husband, he's big day last Monday,he has a suggestions to do inside our home.He did the all the electrical wiring designs and fully finished by this time.He wants to put some high technology product like LED LIGHTS.He stated that to add little high tech coloring lights inside the house makes him feeling of going back to his work abroad,that will not make him boring all the time to think of his work before.He explained it to me how does it work and he can install it alone if the materials are all ready.

So...since then I'm surfing for how many websites for Internet shopping .I found this high power LEDs, 5mm and 8mm LEDs in various colors for cars and home.He wants to put also something new on his cute car,a very small pick up with open back , their service that they are using everyday. I got all this items from this website and they have a lot more.Come and join this high technology offer for all us to add lights and happiness to your family.

this is my husband's choice for his car , i don't know about this..he..he ..he

this will be in receiving room, our children wants this colored lightings this is my choice , lights under the cabinets and on the corner sides with very bright lights offers various LED lighting products for cars and home.This includes the following services:
LED Installation Instructions - General instructions on installation of small LEDs
LED Series Wiring
LED DIY Ideas - Ideas where LEDs can be installed
LED Flasher - Info about LED flashers and about our LED flasher
LED Plant Grow Light - Use our product for Plant growth
12V LED Info - Installation in automotives
How LEDs Work - Science behind LEDs
LED & Neon use in Home - Use LEDs in your home for accent lighting
Neon Tube Instructions - Installation of LED and Cathode Tubes Tail/Turn Signal LED Bulb Fix - Installing LEDs are turn signals/Tail Lights



>> Monday, January 05, 2009

here is another award from MADAME APRO , thank you again !

REALLY? oh..babe! thank you very,very much again... wonderful! From this fabulous award until bottom of this post was courtesy of RECHIE.

That's TRUE! as I told everyone here ,it is all about my life and experiences here.Unbelievable that I am a survivor of this line of job.I came here without any experiences nor study this course and my first time to go and work abroad.Such funny and unforgettable story of my life : from BOSS and now underdogs...WHEWW!!!! but I'm fine and happy this time.So, THANK YOU to all my readers again and again..You!.. are all my inspirations!
A New Year Award for my 2009 resolutions? Maybe needs to be GOOD and keep going on the ways of my REALITY of my life.Ages like me should say SECRETLY WISHING THOSE and good health everyday!

I'm a kind of funny person sometime, I want to see everyone happy and smiling all the times . I hate KJ peoples!.GOD gave us everything so..let's enjoy it to rest of our lives.HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY TO ALL!!

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