


>> Friday, February 27, 2009

At long last , here I came across the knots of changing my lay out.Since I started to put up this page I am dreaming of having a different looks from another blogs. I mean designing or choosing your lay out is part of your identity here in blogosphere.Since we are friends but not seeing each other we imagine how it looks that name if we can read, hear and see it anywhere, right? I am always choosing one thing that it lasts forever, that means this lay out will be forever.How many times before I attempted to do it alone but it was not a success instead I put it back again the old one. Two weeks ago Rechie of help me to put that scroll bar for blog link lists , she made it all alone then she sent it to me by email.I just copy and paste it to my page, ha-ha-ha, that's why I love that girl. I don't have much time to do it and luckily here they are my friends on the web that always there for me.Another one with a new big name in my heart was none other than DEMZ of .She made this lay out for me. She choose the image and sent me for approval.We edit few lines from it with a lot of funny exchanging words on chat page , and this is it. I was nervous and excited when I got message to view it ....hehehe. I am very happy even if unfinished yet. It's okay I'm satisfied with it and maybe next week I'll start to put it back some missing widgets.

Thank you again ladies!! GOD BLISS!!


February 24, 2009 - Tuesday night, local time, was the inauguration of all NEW GOVERNMENT officials of ISRAEL. One of them was the eldest son of my employer.After the program he came to visit, with his wife, his mother with a surprise. We don't received any message that they are coming that even the youngest son don't know of his visits.Happiness was always there every time that there is someone visiting her. As living her for how many years I can read the facial expressions of my old woman of what ever she felt..After they went home I saw this ribbon on the left side as it looks like a corsage where she have been. She called me to sit down beside her and told me " you see this ,I attended also the program",then followed by a great smile.Then start again the long ever lasting stories of his son since birth that we heard from her everyday.Before we went to sleep she put it in this antique speaker in front of where she was always sitting in receiving room . She's very happy for that every morning she wake up the first word was "did you saw the white-blue ribbon there"...and inspired to get up ,to go out for her work just located here in our vicinity.

Small and worthless things but gave a thousand smiles to an elderly that said it extended her life naturally.


As we know that MOMs always remember everybody and everything all the times. Here comes again that she didn't forget me by awarding this prestigious award.Yesterday she sent me again a two hundred(200)EC credits direct to my EC account.Thank you again,MOM -I can not ask for more.Your always on my prayers of good health and long life if possible it will be forever.I am an avid fan of all queens and here is the award that I'm receiving now.

Queen Marie Antoinette was born on November 2, 1755 in Vienna, Austria. She was the youngest and most beautiful daughter of Francis Stephen I and Maria Theresa, Emperor and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. Marie Antoinette was brought up believing her destiny was to become queen of France. She married the crown prince of France in 1770. Four years later she became queen when her husband was crowned King Louis XVI (House of Bourbon).

I am giving this award to all deserving blogger's as follows:







07.and YOU! yes YOU are, grab it now!

Birthday Contest - GUESS WHAT?

>> Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rosemarie of Thoughts of a SAHM is hosting a guessing birthday contest on her upcoming big day.You just answer the following questions: When is the exact date of her birthday? & how young is she on this day? Check out her blog now and give your answer to her questions .Below are the prizes and its sponsors:

First Prize:
Thoughts of a SAHM - $15
The Artist In Me - $5
DesignsNscrap – blog layout [blogger only]
My Journey – 3,000 ec credits
Celebrate Life – 1,000 ec credits
Chuchie's Hideaway - 1,000 credits
Weblog Designs – 500 ec credits and 1 month add space on the following blog:
Second Prize:
My Daily Thoughts and Moods - $10
A Momma’s Journal - $5
DesignsNscrapL0 – blog layout [blogger only]
My Journey – 2,000 ec credits
Celebrate Life – 1,000 ec credits
Chuchie's Hideaway - 1,000 credits
Thoughts of a SAHM – 500 ec credits
Life Expressions – 1 month add space in all her blogs
Third Prize:
My Journey - $ 10
DesignsNscrapL0 – blog layout [blogger]
Thoughts of a SAHM – 2,000
Celebrate Life – 1,000
My Journey - 1,000
Chuchie's Hideaway - 1,000 credits
My Life Perception’s and Inspiration – fashion watch see link [for US winner only]

my PR 2 turns to ZERO !!??

>> Tuesday, February 24, 2009

how does it happen and why? I'm confused! I put a buttons last 2 months maybe to show all my friends in blogosphere that as a newbie I'm already earned that PAGE RANK # 2!!!.I felt I deserved it.I'm exactly four months in blogging this week. But last week I noticed that it turns to zero balanced.I didn't mind it because some of my friends with higher numbers of visitors than me also seen same number. And there are lot of news and emails that google has many adjustments or what soever they called it. Last night before I went to sleep I dropped EC's , at the 50th dropped I read a post about her/his page rank.I was surprised I thought it sometimes happened.It stated there not to review anymore and that is one reason why google lowered the page rank.Oh nooooo.....again I dropped and comments to some other blogs. After half hour in the bed I went back to my laptop and checked my page rank.It showed ZERO - you read this ZERO my dear friends.So I took out that widgets to my sidebar.What for to display..of nothing!!?? this is so frustrating...

I send message to them asking WHY?, WHERE DID and WHAT I DID? etc....until now No reply message from them.

Anyways...thank you very much for this kind of challenge , I'll be hanging in here not to depend on that ranking or whatever it is. The important is all my friends here are still on me and the readers can get something to all my post articles.

1 comment = 250EC credits

I recieved email this morning as you can read below.Not just because she told everyone ,I used to left comment in every blogs I opened that I like thier posts.Some are gave reply with a comments but mostly they coming to say thanks on my shoutmix box.But I have one loyal friend that almost all of my posts she left a few words that makes me happy all the time reading it. Thanks also to I'm Grace of

7:01 am (13 hours ago)

You have been sent 250 Entrecard credits! These credits were sent from Wonderful Things in Life direct to your Entrecard account and have been applied to your balance. The transaction included the following note from the sender:

"Thanks for the comments"

MOMMY , you have a big heart. Thank you very,very much!! this means a lot to me.

Type 1 DIABETES - re-posting

I just want to re-post this topic so that the viewer should be aware regarding this health matters or maybe some readers here that they not come to read this article.It is very important to know that this kind of illness started in early ages like young kids .I found this in one advertisement and now you can see on my google ads .I just checked my dashboard - edit post that sometimes I saved some topics that I didn't post due to some urgent needs in my work and I was so tired that certain day .

Type 1 diabetes most often occurs in children and young adults. People who have type 1 diabetes produce little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin helps glucose (a type of sugar) get into cells. For good health, you need a finely-tuned balance of insulin and glucose.
The immune system of people with type 1 diabetes slowly destroys the beta cells. When your immune system attacks your own cells, it's called an autoimmune attack.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. The destruction of beta cells doesn't happen overnight. It goes on for years. The diagnosis of type 1 diabetes usually comes when about 90 percent of the beta cells have been destroyed.

At this point, the person needs injected insulin. But the few beta cells that are left continue to help the body control blood glucose levels. This is called the “honeymoon” period. In most people, the honeymoon lasts a few weeks to a few months. In a few people, it lasts longer.

In the Protégé study, we are trying to help the honeymoon last longer by protecting the beta cells that are still left at diagnosis. This may allow people to make at least a little insulin of their own. Then they may be able to control their blood glucose levels better than people who don't produce any insulin. Better control of blood glucose over the long term has been shown to reduce the risk of blindness, kidney disease, and damages nerves.

A Thousand Words Thursday #1- A SWEET WAKE UP SMILE

>> Monday, February 23, 2009

1993(mid): my sister in law spent vacation in our place that she took this photo. I almost forgot this when was and where, hehehe.I was surprise when I checked the friendster profile of my daughter (R) and in one album I found this , I don't know where she got it .I grabbed it there that until today she don't even know.She will be surprise too if one of these days she had time to open my blog.
Come and join me in A Thousand Words Thursday!
Read, leave a comment & your link below, post a memorable picture on your own blog and leave your link at Cheaper Than Therapy. Don’t forget to visit the other participants!Want to know how this all started? Read more at The Story Behind A Thousand Words Thursday.

help conserve water thru rainwater tanks with superhead first-flush filter

Everyday watching television here was seen an advertisement of the drying land including human face with of course a message of conserving water because their water basin are already in low level of water and not enough to supply the whole country.Every morning I opened my window before I do anything I always look at the gutter near it.Then last few days it falls a heavy rains and peoples here are very happy when the rain comes. While watching the down sprout in a nearby door it comes out to my mind the rain water tank that manufactured in Australia.It can easily store a volume of water they need of about 300L to 300,000L or more.This rain water tanks can be long lasting storage if you install the first - flush filter. This is a kind of diverter between the downpipes and water tank inlet.It separates the dirt's from the roof and purify the rain water before flowing into the tank.Without this it damages pumps, washing machines and other appliances. Blocked sprinklers and showers . Excessive wear and shortened life on tap washers and filter cartridges.It also avoid bacteria and algae growth in your rainwater tank. Please read more on their website for additional information regarding their products.

FREE banner posting courtesy of "I'm Grace"

>> Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hey guys, tonight is my turn to appear my logo on We live to tell God's "Amazing Grace" as her generosity of giving us FREE banner link display on her site. Thank you very sistah for your kindness. I want to let knows my fellow bloggers , I'm so so excited because she,I'm Grace, is also the one who designed my logo. OMG! I cant sleep now , it is already 11 pm here in Israel. For those new visitors here is the link of how to get your own slot.

JAMES NICHOLLS & His Royston James Associates

>> Friday, February 20, 2009

Did you hear this name before? and who is HE either?..and why I need to talk and includes this on my personal page , a guy that I don't know even before?Unbelievable!! After reading his website I'm felt I'm more than (1)one meter hanging above the ground.He loves sports , putting as number one the lists on his personal interests . He is great in poker and he used to go to Las Vegas for the world series.He travelled mostly to all countries where they have business connections. And despite of everything - alcohol is always there as his adrenalin source for his daily activities.See what I mean? The only thing I can say now is - if ever they need a Caregiver , I'm proud presenting myself - hehehehe- that is my expertise!

I'm interested to know more about what he created, a Royston James Associates , yes! I can hear you there asking "What is that?" it is a company of recruitment specialist that only supplies in a digital marketing sphere with talent evolving to one hundred agencies and a high profile users. It has six consultants with a high degree in terms of respect and discipline from clients services,planning , creativeness, studio and business development.It has two locations ,one in REIGATE and another one in LONDON.Their client are mostly from the field of music,finance, retails and utilities.They are successfully expanding rapidly to the whole EUROPIAN countries, in ASIA and the latest is in MIDDLE EAST .It has personnel assigned in every divisions in digital marketing, digital PR, marcomms agencies and advertising.Imagine their staff has ten(10)years experienced in digital marketing sphere, they are all experts in this type of business.

Please follow me on their website to know deeper about them and maybe we can ask if he is still available or not. hahahaha.Here is the link

New Chat Room Welcomes Everybody

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.


Hon.Benjamin Natanyahu was ask to form a new government early afternoon today, Friday by the Israel's PRESIDENT Simon Peres.President had been meeting with political leaders as he decided which candidate would be given the task of cobbling together a new coalition in the aftermath of Israel's national election last week.Below was a part of his speech during a low-key ceremony held in presidents residence in Jerusalem.

"I call on the members of all the factions ... to set politics aside and put the good of the nation at the center." He also urged Livni of the governing Kadima Party and Defense Minister Ehud Barak of the Labor Party to join his government.
Read more on yahoo world news ,written By MATTI FRIEDMAN, Associated Press Writer , dated today - February 20,2009 - Friday.

As one among how many thousands of foreign workers here, I am hoping that this new government will allow us to work more years in this country to our best ability of taking care their elderly and to those who are in need our services.

The Big Mak Blog Contest - All is Big

"Something Big for 2009" ? - my expectations will Be a future success in Blogosphere By winning this Big,Big contest.This is Big , I'm also Big mama as like "something Big" that's why we are all Big in just joining this contest. (~_~)
GRAND PRIZE:Winners for the first five grand prizes will be determined by points. The first five bloggers who have the highest points will win. Winners of the five grand prize are not eligible for the consolation and special prize.

1st prize
$110, 20K EC credits, 5 ad spots, Domain and Blog Hosting
$10 and 1000 EC Credits from Pinoy Blogger in Singapore
$10 and 1000 EC Credits from Pinoy Showbiz and Hollywood News
$10 and 1000 EC Credits from Make Money Online With Makoy
$10 and 1000 EC Credits from Makoy Pinoy Blogger
$20 and 1000 EC credits from Pinoy Ambisyoso
1000 EC credits from bum-spot
1000 EC credits from Diva Fabulosa
1000 EC credits from The Pinay Blogger
2000 EC credits from Nurturing Nigel
1000 EC credits from Shards of Thoughts
1000 EC credits from Pinay Mom Blogs
1000 EC credits from Michael Aulia
1000 EC credits from Fatherly Yours
2000 EC credits from Blog de Manila
500 EC credits from xoxjanellexox
500 EC credits from contest love
1000 EC credits from The Struggling Blogger
1000 EC credits from Sonnie’s Porch
1 month ad spots from Momma Wannabe
1 month ad spots from Health and Beauty Diva
1 month ad spots from Perkier Than You
1 month ad spots from Nurturing Nigel
Domain from Pinay Mommy Online
Blog Hosting from Mom's Hosting
2nd prize
$50, 15K EC credits, 5 ad spots, Domain and Blog Hosting
$10 from Gizmosync
$10 from Rhodilee
1000 EC credits from The Fitness Diva
1000 EC credits from Ramblings of a Work At Home Guy
500 EC credits from Palabuzz
500 EC credits from Gadget Way
2000 EC credits from The Nexus - Feed Your Brain
2500 EC credits from Random Thoughts
1000 EC credits from Jewellery Weblog
1000 EC credits from Indo Article Directory
1000 EC credits from 24patrol
1000 EC credits from Everything Has A Reason
1000 EC credits from In The Life Of...Mne
1000 EC credits from In My Kitchen
1000 EC credits from Blog Tactic
500 EC credits from
1 month ad spots from contest love
1 month ad spots from The Struggling Blogger
1 month ad spots from The Nexus
1 month ad spots from Nita's Random Thoughts
1 month ad spots from Nita's Corner
Blog Hosting from Budget Blogging
3rd prize:
$25, 11K EC credits, 5 ad spots
$10 and 1000 EC credits from Raging Rev
2000 EC credits from Using My Right Hand
1000 EC credits from Raising Chickens
1000 EC credits from Acts of Random Kindness
1000 EC credits from SEO Blog
1000 EC credits from Gay
1000 EC credits from ways to earn cash
1000 EC credits from free stuffs to you
1000 EC credits from eastcoastlife
1000 EC credits from feRn's backyaRd
1 month ad spots from Thomas Travel Tales
1 month ad spots from Great Finds and Deals
1 month ad spots from Work At Home Jobs
1 month ad spots from Erlinda‘s Wandering Thoughts
1 month ad spots from
4th prize:
$10, 10K EC credits, 4 ad spots
$10 from Online Job
1000 EC credits from prettystepdaughters
1000 EC credits from Marriage and Beyond
1000 EC credits from The Daily Planet
1500 EC credits from Seek No More
1500 EC credits from Nesting Buddy
1000 EC credits from Mariuca
2000 EC credits from Wonderful Things In Life
1000 EC credits from Life's Journey
1 month ad spots from Healthy Living and Lifestyle
1 month ad spots from Thomas Web Links
1 month ad spots from Bohol Paradise
1 month ad spots from Batuananons
5th prize:
$5, 10K EC credits, 4 ad spots
$5 from Nikky Pals
2000 EC credits from Random Detoxification
1000 EC credits from Babette's Definitely Maybe
1000 EC credits from One at a Time
1000 EC credits from So far, so good
3000 EC credits from A Taste of Both Worlds
1000 EC credits from A Singaporean in London
1 month ad spots from Filipino Online Community
1 month ad spots from twins happiness
1 month ad spots from there is happiness
1 month ad spots from Also Mommy
Consolation prizes will be selected in random using
1st consolation
5,750 EC credits, 4 ad spots
5000 EC credits from fragileheart's journal
1 month ad spots from That Blog 4 Me
1 month ad spots from Travel Blog
1 month ad spots from Gay
1 month ad spots from What's Up, Los Baños
2nd consolation
5,500 EC credits, 3 ad spots
1500 EC credits from PolitEkon
EC credits from The iPhone Photographer
1000 EC credits from Contest Whiz
1000 EC credits from nameSherry
1000 EC credits from Thoughts and Obsessions
1 month ad spots from prettystepdaughters
1 month ad spots from Seek No More
1 month ad spots from Moolah Musings
3rd consolation
5,000 EC credits, 3 ad spots
1000 EC credits from Sherry Rambling
1000 EC credits from Heart Random
1000 EC credits from iLUVcontest
1000 EC credits from Shopping
1000 EC credits from Online Games
1 month ad spots from The Ruby Posts
1 month ad spots from Mommy Emotes
1 month ad spots from Blessings and Beyond
4th consolation
5,000 EC credits, 2 ad spots
1000 EC credits from Juegos de Escape
1000 EC credits from Google Stalker
1000 EC credits from Fantasy Baseball Team Names
1000 EC credits from Niacin Benefits
1000 EC credits from Fish Oil High Blood Pressure
1 month ad spots from Micah Izabel
1 month ad spots from Johann David
5th consolation
4,000 EC credits, 2 ad spots
1000 EC credits from Fendi Bags For Sale
1000 EC credits from Abhishek Deshpande
1000 EC credits from Fantasy Baseball Team Names
1000 EC credits from Niacin Benefits
1 month ad spots from winziph
1 month ad spots from Winziph
6th consolation
4,000 EC credits, 2 ad spots
1000 EC credits from Fish Oil High Blood Pressure
1000 EC credits from Ivory Tasks
1000 EC credits from Posh Thoughts
1000 EC credits from Pink Thoughts
2 weeks ad spots from Multiply Themes and Layouts
2 weeks ad spots from Journal of Journey
7th consolation
4,000 EC credits
1000 EC credits from Moolah Musings
1000 EC credits from The Ruby Posts
1000 EC credits from Mommy Emotes
1000 EC credits from Blessings and Beyond
8th consolation
4,000 EC credits
1000 EC credits from Micah Izabel
1000 EC credits from Johann David
1000 EC credits from Programming The Life
1000 EC credits from NetBucks
9th consolation
4,000 EC credits
1000 EC credits from Health Assistant
1000 EC credits from Daily Fun Horoscope Bites
1000 EC credits from Idiot Box
1000 EC credits from The Path to the Pegasus Letter
10th consolation
4,000 EC credits
1000 EC credits from Praning's Shoutout
1000 EC credits from Warfreak's Rantings
2000 EC credits from Manilenio

Special Prize – Blogging From Home book by Janette Toral

List of Vacation Leave and Holidays for CAREGIVERS

>> Thursday, February 19, 2009

Please press (click on) the image for inlargement and easy to read.

New York Times news about ZENNI OPTICAL

>> Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Have you read this ZENNI OPTICAL in New York Times? It was published January 23,2009 with the article title of "Seeing Straight Without Breaking the Bank" in health guide news.It was stated there the price of generic frames of about 8$ only per eyeglass and it is already lense coated with antiscratch.Imagine from 118$ to the lowest price they bargain it for all of you.You can have any sizes,colors,etc. of what you want just ask them directly.
See the advantages of what I've chosen, first is the price of Lens and Frame for $29.95 only and this is the latest or the new arrivals designs.At 21 grams in weight just feeling of nothing on my face.It has also a blue color but I want green that means "green environment" it is cool for my eyes.And lastly was the size, medium size that fit to my oval face, I want also half rim because I don't want steel materials to touch my face.

Here are their websites as a proof of what I'm talking about.Please check it out for more of the products that you need for your eyes only.


SUDHA of given me this awards for than a week now, sorry for late posts I'm too busy and I am appreciated this deeply from my heart .Thank you very much friend for this meaningful award that we need to explore in blogosphere. As the saying goes "you can change everything for more than a billion times but ONE MOTHER can only be remain the same."

Here are the cute rules for these cute awards:
1. Show the award logo in your post.
2. Pick a picture you have with your kiddo(s).
3. Post should include your best experience as a Mom.
4. Nominate other blogger mom's out there that you consider the best mom, like yourself.

Sorry I dont have pictures together with them because I'm always far away from them .For thier future I am working abroad and thru internet calls we always see each other on the web.We still intact guys...hehehehe.
During the 8th month on the womb of my eldest daughter I am forcing to have an emergency leave (I'm still in Manila working that time)because she's coming out already . So I was hanged in hospital bed for 24hours with my feet high slant from my head after they injected of something to stop her. I'm on the bed until she was born of about 12lbs normal delivery.Five years after that I need to resign just to draw our second baby boy.We are already in the province with my parents because there was a last call from Korean company that forced my husband to go back to his work in Libya. Another deposits when he left and exactly a year and one month I delivered our youngest daugther.
I'm giving this award to:

Madame Apro

and to all moms who can read this posts.

Share and Enjoy!

more FREE templates from STEVE AUSTIN

>> Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Have you heard about He is a professional web designer that offer me to change my template for FREE.He used to send me of those I have chosen but the problem was on me .I don't have time to do it or maybe I change the headers later . Maybe later I can make it he-he-he. It was more than a week that we chat regarding this matter. But he sent emails long time ago and always. They have also some customize templates that your looking for, custom icons that you want maybe or anything you ask from him . He always willing to help and answer your questions especially to newbie like me .On my sidebar widgets "website links" you can see all their products there like web templates Trifold Brochure Design Vista Icons For XP membership products free web design Professional Logo . Check out those websites and you can discover more.

happiest tour ever - TEL MEGIDDO

>> Monday, February 16, 2009

Megiddo is a tel (hill or mound) made of 26 layers of the ruins of ancient cities in a strategic location at the head of a pass through the Carmel Ridge, which overlooks the Valley of Jezreel from the west. The name Armageddon mentioned in the New Testament derives from Megiddo.It has been the site of numerous battles throughout history with different rulers.(read more stories in wikipedia)on top hill was written MEGIDDO , did you see that?

Everybody wants souvenir , I volunteer to be the photographer of the day. Looked what they did - they gave all their cameras but how about me?All are digital or latest model of different signatures but the most popular was the disi-lip model, it took few minutes to shoot.
On one side there was stone rock with a hole. For small and medium sizes it is very easy to get in but sizes like me they afraid to try. This the first attempt in one end.
This is the second attempt that most of them saying go!go! inside.
And lastly after they all done , I try my luck and with a risk.Just exactly and they pull me out in the feet , if is from the head it will not pass through...hehehehe but success!(more images on slide show)

my friday the 13nth

It was my employer's husband 7th death anniversary. A family get together once in year for offering flowers and prayers in their great man's grave. It was just located in the vicinity of where I am working. They included that day celebrating of my employer eldest son 67th birthday.The said birthday was February 12 but they plan to put into one day. I'm a bit busy that whole day but not as bad of what we always thought of friday the 13nth.

2nd month EC DROPPERS (13jan-13feb ' 09)

>> Thursday, February 12, 2009

ThemeLib 31
All blogspot templates 29
Chuchie's Hideaway 26
sudhersana 25
All contests 22
Art Joolree 21
Serian Man 20
MyLifeStory 19
iWalk,U2? 18
Not Your Ordinary History 17

Thank you very much for giving me all your supports thru EC dropping everytime you visited my page.


valentine cards

I made this valentine cards
specially for all of you here in
blogosphere.Except original
image(flowers) everything
was courtesy of

Philippine flag crochet

>> Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Judith Keren showing and explaining to my employer how she did the Philippine flag that she made from elderly club where she spending her half day for 3-4 times a week..Said club has a lot of caregivers together with their employers and she asked favor to one male caregiver to draw the flag.Every time that we meet outside she told me that " I have something special for you". I never thought like this , which I knew that they are making crochet, painting, drawing and anything that elderly can do there.She even gave me a gift during my birthday. Judith has filipino worker before she came here in my work place and stay here for 2 years. She is an inteligent , fluently speaking english and a very friendly woman. She is the love of most caregivers she meets everywhere.She has daughter in law from Thailand that the first time I saw her I thought it was from our country.

What does this means to me? An appreciation of my hardships for taking care of an elderly. She understand us and respect our culture in so many ways.It was unexplainable feeling of happiness and tears when she handed me this flag . This is one of my treasure and memories here in holy land.

awardees favorites...5 'n' 1

TRIPLE AWARDS (Sisterhood, Lemonade, and Bestfriend)
I got another award called TRIPLE AWARDS (Sisterhood, Lemonade, and Bestfriend) from my co-blogger and new a friend CACAI of Thanks Cai , I really appreciate - you're one of my great freinds ! Well, it's feeling great when there is a new friend thinking and giving you all of these wonderful awards of friendship. Images of all the awards that I received are also available on slide show.

Here are the rules for the recipients:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Again A to Z (from jonlynx) and passionate blogger (from dhemz) are posted already below please scroll down to read.And last week CACAI awarded me these - five (5) awards in a row. Whew!!! I'm so thankful and words are not enough to say.GOD BLISS U CACAI!!

I am giving all of these awards to the following freinds here in blogosphere:

P.S. You can post this individually or all in one post, you're free to do what ever it takes as long as we express our friendship here in blogosphere.


>> Monday, February 09, 2009

I took this newspaper at around 8:00 in the morning with a greetings, yellow paper attached to a pine tree dried fruit (sorry I don't know what is the right word for it) of holiday for flowers . They called it "to vezfat" . Cards was sent mostly for elderly in the village.This afternoon they will plant trees around the village .Their very owned EHUD BARAK , who was born and grown up in this village, will come to lead in this events of their yearly tree planting tradition. They are hoping that their leader will win in tomorrow's national election day.

I am thankful for these blessings that I'm working here so I can join them and witness in this afternoon's events.


>> Sunday, February 08, 2009

Most effective way of communicating elderly patients either they are on impaired hearing status or not.

Parents of young children's are also doing these as their early stage of training on how to response them quickly.

Even the animal trainers doing it accompanied by a few words so that animals can hear them.

Young lovers had an expertise on these kind of language to express their feelings to their love one's especially if they have secrets.

And early morning today, I encountered one driver of a public vehicle bound to Tel Aviv using his sign language to all his passengers.I am on the last three passenger to get inside to make a sitting capacity complete. He used to look at my face then gave me a sign of "GET OUT! because I told him I just want a ride for 5 kilometers distance from here.Again his hands gesture make feel me bad that I answered him "why" and "how much do I need to pay" while his hands waving . Instead of stepping backward I got inside the vehicle and paid him double the amount to round trip bound to Tel Aviv.He accepted the money without saying any words and not looking at me. I got the plate number and I took pictures for my file just in case this post will explodes.

Bad hand gestures on sign language has the fastest reactions in response of these related incidents.


>> Saturday, February 07, 2009

I can't sleep last night because my employer used to call me up every 30 minutes .The only thing I did was to drops EC's in any body's blogs I opened and read .I did not felt any coldness inside just I have a cup of coffee beside me , and I don't care the temperature outside that I still wearing my boots from a dinner in the dinning room with most of the village people attended for their preparations of tree planting and that will be on Monday. Along the way that I enjoyed making drops and drops until I noticed that after clicking DROP , we usually seen the word THANKS, did you know what next up to fifty drops - it's GO!GO!.If you reach the 100th drops it answers ALRIGHT! then WICKED! up to 150th drops.I still hanging on up to 200 drops and it said YEEHEY!.... then again from 250 drops it seen written AWESOME!!!! I'm still not satisfied and curious of what next ,I looked for another one blog to drop , then finally it answers me 300 drops only per day. he-he-he-he....talo sya!!

I also encountered after clicks in some blogs NO SUCH USER , INVALID and there was another that I can't remember anymore. There was also a frightening sound of TSAK!TSK!TSK!TSK!! then opened 50-60 pages on window panel after I clicked their logo's...MY GOD!!!! I shutted it off immediately and take a deep breath, drink another cup of coffee and start again.....yawn...yawn,hikab-hikab ..Its 4am here now and I heard nothing from other room - I can go to sleep now.


why an elderly need a regular dental treatment

>> Friday, February 06, 2009

To avoid complications like heart diseases, strokes, diabetes, cancer,respiratory and kidney diseases especially to Alzheimer's or any related cases of patients.This was discovered by researchers in connections with the periodontal diseases and to all diseases stated above.Elderly patients as what we know of having a big smiles everyday makes their life extended all the way. But they are having a big risk of all that cases above if they are not happy due to tooth and gums problems.Not eating properly in 24 hours is not the main problems, but pains in minutes can killed a patients by doing something which is not good for them and they become wild worse. While the next hours of no food intake we already asking the family to go hospital to avoid more complications.

Luckily this time that the found therapy of fast and in easy ways.They are all specialists who assists and provide an advanced treatment for periodontal and gums diseases.It can be done by painless with laser's to avoid surgery and there's no side effect in total health of every patients.Learn more on their website

In addition to all of the above , patients with a heart attack and periodontal disease have an exaggerated inflammatory response with higher CRP levels that might put them at risk for future heart attacks. This work also raises the possibility that by treating severe gum disease in people with heart attacks and in some reasons specialists might be able to reduce their CRP levels and their risk of another heart attack."

herbal supplement in preparation to menopausal period for men's and women's

>> Thursday, February 05, 2009

As mother of three I have a lot of preparations to make for their future but I'm not forgetting for my self though. I'm now on stage of maybe next month or either next year will be my menopausal period and no one knows when it will be.I found this MEDICINE PLANTS WEBSITE , I know that herbal are most effective , they manufacture it with the highest potency MACA (Lepidium meyenii peruvianum Chacon) herbal supplement for the relief of Menopause , Perimenopause and PMS. With this natural herbal supplement, you'll eliminate Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Hormonal Imbalance, Libido Problems and Infertility. Take note , not only women's need these but for men's too.

Medicine Plants' has been in the alternative medicine health industry since 1993. It is indicated that the herbs were not grown, harvested or manufactured under organic, FDA certified or GMP standards. Medicine Plants' herbs meet or exceed these standards and provides unique herbal products which allow people to achieve better health.

On this website
Customers offered the highest quality herbal nutritional supplements, ensuring that the information they provide about them is based on respected, published scientific studies. They are advocates of a healthy, happy lifestyle and want to help you all find the vitamins and herbal supplements that will provide you the best.

What Chinese Animal Am I?

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog
Image from

But my family called me always as like a TIGER, lols.I am a non believers of all daily zodiac sign issues because for me it is all and just a coincidence that something happened to someone once in a while or on that certain days. But truly I will tell you that all things written above was my reality , lols.

One incident before when I was working as a cashier.I forgot to log on the daily sales of the missing amount but the cash money was there endorsed and intact.The next day the auditor informed me that something put me down on my position as a supervisor.It did not surprise me as what they thought , I got nothing and my only mistakes was I did not wrote it down. I'm in a hurry to go home that day because my daughter have fever when I left early morning that day. They used to surprise me up but it doesn't worked.The next day they still insisting it but without their knowledge I talked to the chief account already.So when I got another call , without any greetings who was on the line I told them "Over my dead body" and put it down.Automatically the circulated story stopped roaring around the branch where I am working .


>> Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I recieved this award from one close friends here in blogosphere DHEMZ - . Thanks a lot for including me into your lists. That was very nice of you.

The Rules:
1.) Put the logo in your post.
2.) Write 5 things you are passionate about aside from blogging.
3.) Tag 5 people on your lists and let them know you tagged them. Have fun blogging guys, and enjoy and don't forget to pass or tag your friends whom you think are passionate bloggers :-)

Like so many mothers in the world.......household chores , FAMILY , photography , gardening > and sometimes SHOPPING

I'm giving this TAG to the following blogs URL's:

and to

Spread The Love Giveaway Contest

WONDERFUL THINGS IN LIFE launch the biggest contest I've ever join.There's a lot of amazing prizes that I needed to improve in my blog site if I WIN - COME AND JOIN US!Below are the prizes and names of all sponsors on this contest.Please inquire at how the mechanics of this contest.
******Ist Prize: $30 + 20,500 EC

* *Blog Hosting for 1 year - SEO Friendly Blog Directory
* *Custom Banner Design - Buy Templates - worth $99
**2500 EC - Merydith's Place
**4000 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Wonderful Things In Life
**5000 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 month - My Life's Adventure
**2500 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 year - Hidden Gems from Untold Treasures
**3 PR4 backlink for 1 month plus 2 125x125 banner for 1 month - Online Games*Nita's Random Thoughts* Bohol Paradise

*****2nd Prize: $20 + 19,000 EC
**20GB Web Hosting for 1 year plus 500EC -
**Custom Banner Design - Buy Templates -
**worth $99$10 - Online Games
**$5 + 1000 EC - Everything Under the Sun
**$5 + 1000 EC - Opinion Pinoy
**6000 EC - So Cute
**3000 EC - The Holley Herald
**1000 EC - Moolah Musings
**5000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Show Me Your Interest
**1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - I Make Money Online
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - nameSherry

*****3rd Prize: $15 + 14,000 EC
* *Domain for 1 year - Life's Journey
**1 Custom Logo Design from Logo Angel -
**worth $99$5 + 500 EC - Spices of Life
**3000 EC - Unwakeable
**2500 EC - History And Travel
**2000 EC - Escape Games
**1000 EC - Pink Thoughts
**2000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - e-Pamilya
**1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Bryan Karl
**1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - PrettyStepDaughters

*****4rth Prize: $10 + 12,000 EC
** Domain for 1 year - Pinay Mommy Online
**Wordpress Template from Buy Templates -
**worth $60$5 - Love in Distance
**$5 + 1000 EC - Cooking's fun
**2000 EC - A Moment To Exhale
**2000 EC - Anything Goes
**1000 EC - The Ruby Posts
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Denise's Tips and More
**1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Blogs Contests
**500 EC plus text links for 1 month - Chronic Chick Talk

****5TH Prize: $5 + 10,000 EC
** Wordpress Template from Buy Templates
**worth $60$5 - Wonderful Things In Life
**2000 EC - Colorful World
**2000 EC - Cyber-Pchi
**1000 EC - Mommy Emotes
**1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Blessings In Life
**1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Jobs In Davao
**1000 Ec plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Just A Personal Blog

*****6TH Prize: 9,000 EC
** Blog Makeover - The Designers Blog
**3000 EC - LadyJava's Lounge
**2000 Ec - Aha Mama!
**1500 EC -
**1000 EC - IndoContest
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Dashing Beauty
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Kharlota dot Com

******7TH Prize: 8,000 EC
** Header design - SimplyWP
**1000 EC - i LUV Contests
**1000 EC - Posh Thoughts
**1000 EC - Mary Anne's Musing
**1000 EC - The Designer Chic
**1000 EC - Made To Worship
**1000 EC - My Daily Discourse
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Live Love Pink
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Lovely Pink
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - MeiYah's Random Thoughts*

**********8TH Prize: 7,000 EC
** Body Butter (50ml) with free shipping - All Natural Cosmetics
**1000 EC - Rapid Shoots
**1000 EC - Multidimension
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Beauty Of Life
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Starts At two
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - A Message From My Heart* Filipino Online Community

**********9TH Prize: 6,000 EC
** Blog makeover - Femikey Designs
**1000 EC - Vsk8shop
**1000 EC - Empowered Mom
**1000 EC - My Rendezvous
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Money Maker
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Tere's World
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - Pinaymama's Diary* Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts

*****10TH Prize: 5,000 EC
**1000 EC - Guilty Pleasures
**1000 EC - My Point Of View
**1000 EC - Ivory Tasks
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Shopping
**500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - iLUVcontest
**125x125 ad worth $15 1 month - Blazing Minds* Work At Home Jobs

**Consolation Prizes:
**1. 1,000 EC + ad space500 EC - Twins Happpiness
**500 EC - Love's Haven
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - Another Contest
**2. 1,000 EC + ad space500 EC -
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - Sherry Contest
**3.1,000 EC + ad space + 500 EC - Scandals Prime dot COM
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - Sherry Rambling
**4. 1,000 EC + ad space500 EC - The Pinay Blogger
**500 EC - Heart Random
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - Also Mommy
**5. 1,000 EC + ad space500 EC - Crafty Pinay
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - Simple Life, Simple Me
**6. 1, 000 EC + ad space + 500 EC - Wiehanne Lounge
**500 EC - Asks Ms Recipe
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - I Love/Hate America
**7. 800 EC + ad space500 EC - Medan Daily
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - Only In Silence
**8. 600 EC + ad space300 EC - Travel And Discover USA
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - Life Expressions
**9. 300 EC + ad space300 EC - My Daily Nourishment
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - This Is So Me
**10. 300 EC + ad space300 EC - Travel And Explore Germany
**125x125 ad space for 1 month - PhotoMIAHgraphy

** 1 book - My Funny Dad, Harry - Sherry Contest-
**Semi-solid light toddler hat, fits approx 2t-4t - John Doro
** 1 Bungalow Brand Dress worth $65 - size 6 - Wonderful Things In Life-> 1 **Ashley Judd Bingo Shoes worth $40 - size 8.5 - My Life's Adventure->
** 1 Web animation Expert book worth $24.95 - The Fountain Of Happiness-
**1 God's Promises for Your Every Need Book worth $14.99
** 3 Sets of blank note cards - Love Is A Perfect Gift-
**1 Hanes long sleeve crew neck solid color pink - Life's Journey-
**Mary Kay products worth $25 (perfume) - Filipina Stories

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