

caregiver died of leukemia

>> Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I got this news from JERUSALEM POSTS headlines for today.I heard this story last few days to some pilipinos on the bus station while waiting for their buses back to work.I can't really understand this matter why stated below that the family of this worker was lacked of necessary to fly her back home.Imagine how we caregivers helps uplifting and/or have contributions  in Philippine economy by working abroad but this time the government cant help financially to  send back home her remains without any expense of her family.Whewww....I'm sorry but need  put out what is in my mind.Theres a lot of stories going on here but I cant help.

Magen David Adom said Tuesday it was working with the Embassy of the Philippines and the Foreign Ministry to fly home the body of Filipino worker Luisa de la Cruz, who died of leukemia on Sunday.

The MDA stated that it was funding the flight, since De la Cruz's family lacked the necessary means to fly her body back to The Philippines.

MDA Director-General Eli Bin said that "as well as saving lives, MDA excels in widespread humanitarian work in Israel and the world, and it has decided to pay for the flight of the body."

Magen David Adom is the ambulance services in ISRAEL that we caregivers are joining them in time that our employers are in an emergency situations.I salute them for thier services that I observed for how many times we rushed to the hospital.Volunteers  are all professionals in all around aspects and have respect to both the patients and each caregivers.THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR CONCERN  ESPECIALLY TO ALL WHO NEEDS HELP.


>> Monday, March 30, 2009

This is the newest agreement that recommends to all caregivers.Everything was stated here about the duties and responsibilities of caregivers and their benefits to be recieve. This should be signed in by employer and caregivers.It also serves as a contract for the whole year and renewable every year if both parties are still on good relationships.



My supervisor brought to me this morning to filled up all required lines for me and then will return to him .I have also copy of each of the pages shown.


This is the latest policy that every foriegn worker here should follow. We must sign in this paper to have a registry number from manpower agencies were we are connected and this will serve as proof of having employer that need to show to all immigration police if ever ask together with the passport.Without this paper and sign by both parties will be questioned.

bday contest

>> Saturday, March 28, 2009

MOMGEN of WONDERFUL THINGS in LIFE  created another blog contest again.Every one is free to join, just think that might be YOU the next winner of all those fabulous prizes written below. I am one of the sponsor of this contest and  same time I can  have my entry too.The  third(3rd) prize winner will appear thier blog logo of about one(1) month on this blog.So...come on down join us with joy and fun.Look at the list of prizes and its sponsor below:

First Prize: 22,500
* 5000 EC - The Joy Of Life Forever
* 4000 EC - My Life's Adventure
* 4000 EC - Life's Adventure
* 4000 EC - My Online Adventures
* 2000 EC - The Designers Blog
* 1000 EC - The Fountain Of Happiness
* 500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Thoughts & Beyond
* 500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Tere's World
* 500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - New life on Our Own
* 500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Songs Lyrics Collection
* 500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Free Text Messages SMS & Quotes
* 125x125 ad space for 2 months - Love Is A Perfect Gift
* Blog review -
* Domain plus Blog Hosting - Pinay Mommy Online
* $25 Gift Card - Rockerchic Online Store

Second Prize: 17,000
* 3500 EC - Guilty Pleasure
* 3000 EC - Chuchies's Hideaway
* 2000 EC - Simplement Belles
* 2000 EC - Cookings' Fun
* 2000 EC - WhereAbouts
* 2000 EC - Seek No More
* 1500 EC - Twinkletoe Writing Space
* 1000 EC - Blessings and Beyond
* 125 x 125 widget ad - Dancing in Midlife Tune
* 125x125 Ads space for 1month -
* 125x125 Ads space for 1month - MyCandypastel
* website review - Health Is Wealth
* 1yr. domain - Joyoz Photography
* $10 coupon - Mea Culpa Body and bath's page

Third Prize: 14,000
* 1500 EC - Nesting Buddy
* 1500 EC - Mommy's Little Corner
* 1500 EC - Things About Computer
* 1000 EC - Life and Scraps
* 1000 EC - Lourdes' Mia
* 1000 Ec - Mommy Emotes
* 1000 EC - Moolah Musings
* 1000 EC - ILUV Contests
* 1000 EC - The Ruby Posts
* 1000 EC - Budget Blogging
* 1000 EC - Micah Izabel
* 1000 EC - Beyond Feron dot Com
* 125X125 ad space for 2 months - Hot in Singapore
* 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Survivor: The Reality Of My Life
* 125x125 ad space for 2 weeks - Walkingnewspaper
* 125x125 ad space for 2 weeks - of being a Medical Student
* Blog makeover - Femikey's Design
* Fused glass pendant of your choice - Luckygirltrading Etsy Shop(pic is here)

Fourth Prize: 10,000
* 1000 EC - Eastcoastlife
* 1000 EC - I Thought So
* 1000 EC - My Piece of Paradise
* 1000 EC - Family Health and Home
* 1000 EC - Simple Happy Life
* 1000 EC - My kitchen
* 1000 EC - My Whole New World
* 1000 EC - My life and family Journey
* 1000 EC - Palabuzz
* 1000 EC - Healthy Lifestyle
* 125x125 ad block 1 month - Indian Automobiles
* 125x125 ad block 2 months - Web Reviews
* Blog makeover - The Designers Blog
* $5 - Life Marriage And Kids

Fifth Prize: 9,000
* 1000 EC - Johann David
* 1000 EC - Mama's Sanity
* 1000 EC - The Certified Fashionable
* 1000 EC - Babette's Definitely MAYBE!
* 1000 EC - Everything PLUS the Kitchen Sink
* 1000 EC - One at a Time
* 1000 EC - Kusinera sa Amerika
* 1000 EC - Words of Love
* 1000 EC - My Library
* 125X125 ad space - Kuerdas
* 1 brooch - My @Ventures pic here.

Sixth Prize: 8,000
* 1000 EC - The Journey Of My life
* 1000 EC - Barbie Doll
* 1000 EC - MB Designs
* 1000 EC - Ask Ms Recipe
* 1000 EC - DarlingRose Designs
* 1000 EC - Rosa Love's
* 1000 EC - PinayMamaBlog
* 1000 EC - Journey
* 125x125 banner ads for 1 month - Joyouz Journal and Designs
* 1 set bracelet & earrings - DarlingRose Designs pic here.

7th Prize: 7,000
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* 500 EC - Heartnet02
* 500 EC - Heartnet
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* 500 EC - Asian Dramas
* 500 EC - Scandals Prime dot Com
* 500 EC - Life of a Filipina Blogger
* 500 EC - Pictures and Cultures
* 1 month 125x125 ad space - My Home
* 1 bracelet - My Online Adventures

8th Prize: 6,000
* 1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for a month - Make or Break
* 1000 EC plus 125x125 widget ad- Joys in Life
* 1000 EC plus 1 month 125x125 -
* 1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Blessings in Life
* 500 EC plus 125x125 ad block - Blogger Templates
* 500 EC - I Heart Pink
* 500 EC - Simple Life
* 500 EC - MB Online Express
* 1 month 125x125 ad space - Blogs Contests
* 1 pair of earrings - DarlingRose Designs pic here.

9th Prize: 5,000
* 500 EC - Diva Fabulosa
* 500 EC - The Pinay Blogger
* 500 EC - Chica Chika
* 500 EC - Health and Beauty Diva
* 500 EC - Davao Life
* 500 EC - Love's Haven
* 500 EC - So Much To Tell
* 500 EC - Mother Knows Best
* 500 EC - Hairstyle Digest
* 500 EC - Movie Spoiler
* 1 month 125x125 ad space - Davao Food Trip

10th Prize: 4,000
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* 1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Pink Thoughts
* 1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Posh Thoughts
* 1 month 125x125 ad space - Pinoy Recipes Collection

Special Prizes: US Only

* Amigurumi Bunny - Cathy's Sweet Pea Toad Store (pic here or here to see the prize) - US only
* 1 pair of scarf & crochet hat - MB Online Express - US only
* 1 pair of earrings - Wonderful Things In Life
* 1 hanes longsleeve - My Life's Adventure
* 3 pcs. of miniture basket - Health Is Wealth

Rules Of The Contest
1. The blog should be at least 2 months old and updated.
2. The post should be original not copied from mine. Be creative.
3. I have the authority to change or modify the contest prizes or any of the procedures of the contest.

Mechanics of the Contest:

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4. Put your location with your comment to the contest - (required) 2 points

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5. Refer anybody to join let the referred person mention your name (your points will be added if the person join the contest)- 2 points each
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>> Friday, March 27, 2009

Recieved another tag from  DEMZ of My Life's Perception & Inspirations. A bundle thanks to you buddy  for including me always in your line up hehehe. Your such  nice to me and  always have time exchanging funny chat-chatos. I was bit confused because I'm not wearing my wedding ring all the times. But in some occasions I'm wearing it with some fancy fashion jewelries.It disturb me especially when I am cleaning.I'm afraid too when I'm doing some soups it might drop it inside the cooking pot.Here is the question to complete this post: #1.Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger? Thumb represents your Parents.Here is the explanation given by the Chinese I tried it and it was true..hehehehe. Look at my images below nevermind my ugly skin hehehe...

Thumb represents your Parents 
Second (Index) finger represents your Siblings 
Middle finger represents your-Self 
Fourth (Ring) finger represents your Life Partner 
& the Last (Little) finger represents your children

Firstly, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and hold them together ( back to back - knuckle to knuckle) Secondly, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb - tip to tip

Now, try to separate your thumbs (representing the parents)..., they will open, because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong, and have to leave you sooner or later.
Now, join your thumbs as before, and separate your Index fingers (representing siblings)...., they will also open, because your brothers and sisters will have their own families and will have to lead their own separate lives. 

Now join the Index fingers back, and separate your Little pinky fingers (representing your children)...., they will open too, because the children also will get married and settle down on their own some day. 

Finally, join your Little fingers, and try to separate your Ring fingers (representing your spouse). 
You will be surprised to see that you just CANNOT....., because Husband & Wife have to remain together all their lives - through thick and thin!! (ayaw na talaga,nanigas na tuloy mga daliri ko ...hahaha)

whohoo..ho..ho... Now I know why its there not just a showdown.


I went to a skin doctor this morning for another check up of my "allergy" on my left foot.It was said before , so.. I sacrifice of not eating chicken meat, fish products and others that is related to itching problem.Sometimes I'm eating little rice and banana or ripe mango. My gosh...I cant stay more years if this doctor could not cure again.When the fungus attack I want to climb the nearby tree in my work and it is more than 10  meters in height maybe or more I mean I dont how it is. Or it was lucky always that my husband was far away with me or else I bites him again.I have been in so many doctors that just gave me skin cream,ointments that I imagined of worth of tonnes already.And it seems not helping to stop the itch anymore then painful bothered most because it was already swollen.

This doctor was a friend of my cousin's employer who used to work in one of the hospitals in Tel Aviv.I will tell you later on follow post of this topic if the results will come out.It is a kind of fungus that he even don't want to say because he needs to do biopsy  so that he will  know  exactly what is it.For the meantime he gave me a kind of cream again but it was free or no amount paid.This is the only doctor told me that I need to go to the hospital for biopsy, I know that  this is the right thing to do but here sometimes they just ignore what we are saying. 


>> Thursday, March 26, 2009

We went to the EENT clinic today for ear check up and cleaning of my old woman both ears.Few weeks ago she almost and cannot heard that the whole family and friends complaining.For me is a bit hard but I have a technique how to deal with to have a lot of patience talking to her.Body language like hand gestures and smiling are my tools so she never felt insulted or got angry with me.

Age-related hearing loss  is also called as presbycusis are the hard work we caregivers encountered. Due of the ability to respond to a  low frequency sounds in speech, family and caregivers are  usually have misunderstanding that also  causing  misinterpretations of some peoples around when they heard in high pitch conversation to an elderly. Hearing loss can affect physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and social functioning to everyone who suffered this.It disables the whole life of a sufferer and sometimes it was interpreted as alzhiemyrs.

Some changes was due to aging that  includes  stiffening of the basilar membrane, hyperostosis, arteriosclerotic and rheologic changes, together with degeneration of the organ of Corti, loss of hair cells, spiral ganglion degeneration and impaired neural regulation of endolymph. Other factors include infectious diseases of the middle and inner ear, noise exposure, drugs like aminoglycoside antibiotics, salicylates, quinidine, loop diuretics and damage to the auditory nerve.

Presbycusis affects primarily frequencies above 1000 Hz. While the frequency of most speech is in the 500-4000 Hz range, certain consonants letters like - e.g. S, Th, F are have higher frequencies. The elderly hearing impaired person may have normal low frequency hearing with loss in the mid and high frequencies.

Prevention of hearing impairment is impossible but to comfort each patient using hearing aids are the best way to do.Like we have here connected to TV set and another was a hearing aid that she wears openly at most of the time.Treatment will just be a check up and cleaning that will be done by EENT doctors.


>> Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This tag was given to me by CACAI. The tag image is not good to me that I almost not posting these but I love Cacai.Why? I'm near on golden 50's in few years come I  dont want to see it ...sorry. Lucky was I'm friendly that I try to join sometimes the event and its from the bottom of my HEART means a loving friend I am. So the rule of this tag is to answer the questions below on your own. So here's mine:

A# Attached or Single? Attached
B# Best Friend? My mother always scolded me before because my friends are like a batallion of all ages but here are the best below ,they're so good to me.My high school friends names are CORA,NIDA,CHE-CHE and others,my college friends are egn'r MILA,eng'r GEMMA,eng'r CYRINE, Capt MAR,BECCA etc- still have communications even in different parts of the world working and here in blogosphere that help my homesickness away are #1 Rechie, #2 Dhemz,#3 Cacai,#4 Jacky,#5 I'm Grace 1331,#6 MADZ, #7 Are all those in my links list,thank you are all a part of the story of my life.
C# Cake or Pie? Cake.
D# Day of Choice? Sunday-day off.
E# Essential Item? my new pc
F# Favorite Color? light colors
G# Gummie Bears or Worms? dont like both
H# Hometown? Mindoro Islands
I# Favorite Indulgence?  ..........ahhhhhhhh
J# January or July? July- my eldest daughter bday.
K# Kids? 3 teenagers now
L# Life isn't complete without....? my family but far
M# Marriage date? april 30
N# Number of magazine subscriptions? nothing now- di na uso yan
O# Oranges or Apples?
P# Phobias? those who have phobias too-they can influence me
Q# Quotes? the golden rule- " Do not do unto others what you don't want others do unto you." same
R# Reasons to smile? jokes.
S# Season of choice? Spring/summer
T# Tag five people...........none(record breaker) 
U# Unknown fact about me?----------secret
V# Vegetable?.......... all 
W# Worst habit? holding toothpick always
X# X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound. 
Z# Zodiac sign? taurus.


Sunny and windy Wednesday here in my location compared to last few days freaky weather. I went to walk and jog around the area with my mp3 set and my sonny cybershot touch screen camera.A beautiful sorrounding along the roads viewing yellow flowers ,I passed left and right taking pictures.Here are some to show you , hope you too enjoy this scene I'm having in my workplace.


Please click/press the image for full screen view.thanks.

Day off in "UKiey"

>> Monday, March 23, 2009

Yesterday's day off was a great fun I felt I was in my home country then I went to the city of Manila.A place like in Qiuapo,in Divisoria and some other towns around the Philippines . Few years back in Tel Aviv my flatmates always showed thier items that they bought in SURFLUSLANDIA as they named it. I've never been there and I always want to go but I dont have time , I got my day off just twice a year.So yesterday I joined my friends here in Natanya city to go in that place which is near the public market.Here are some pictures I took from there, just few because when one elderly with sewing machine that sewed some curtains saw me she shouted "journalist,journalist" so I stop taking pictures and then came to her spot telling her that I am a caregiver not a reporter.
Oopppssss....sorry .. I almost forgot! hehehe..UKiey , they just named it - means a place where we could buy second hand or old items (okay-okay jud ahh)...everything you can see there are dresses or clothing items, kitchen wares. I saw yesterday sewing machine that look like of my mother  that she used to sewed our uniforms during my high school days.I saw also an electric hand drill but still high in price that's why I did got it.After half an hour I went back and it was already sold out maybe because I make "tawad" for almost 1/4 of the thier price.hahaha pinay eh.
You saw my friend...she bought me a maong short pants(unused pa) worth 5 nis (45pesos) while their given price was 10nis - more or less 100 pesos in the Philippines, nice to wear for summer time..Imagine 5nis here is like "ala lng" you can ask anybody if you like.And just to think 10nis - tatawaran mo pa! I heard one caregiver that they always went there to buy,they clean and fixed it before they send to thier families
as one way of helping some relatives for bargain business.They knew the good quality of cloth because she  was a dressmaker before she came here to work as caregiver.

Good thing was not very noisy like any other public market.


>> Friday, March 20, 2009

One way of appreciating YOU in dropping EC's and of course reading my posts or leaving some comments I decided of putting top ten EC logo  who did dropped on my widgets  on the right sidebar .It will stay there for the whole month until next statistics will comes out.It shows your standings - from left to right - of your drops.

Again.... thank you very much to all!

Hope to see you back again.

Handwritten Tag

>> Thursday, March 19, 2009

hey...heylowww...thats original paper..just click the image...:)

Write down who tagged you in white paper (sorry I can't find a white paper...hhehe...rules broken!) and your answer in number 2 and 3. Take a photo of it and upload the photo in your blog to share us how your handwriting look a like.
Answer these:
- your name/user name/ pseudo
- right handed or left handed ?
- your favorite letters to write ?
- your least favorite letters to write?
- Write " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. "
3. Tag five persons.

I tried to look what it means and here from--- said .....

You are a fairly energetic person. You know how do pace yourself, and you deal well with stress.

You range from very outgoing to very shy. You are a shapeshifter who is very versatile. You adapt well, and you look at things from many angles.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.

You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.

You are a decent communicator. You eventually get your point across, but sometimes you leave things a bit ambiguous.

hmmmmm...I think so or maybe exactly hahahaha.

Father and Son - An Inspiring Story

>> Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I would like to share this story to all but most ESPECIALLY TO ALL STUDENTS BLOGGER HERE-PLEASE READ!Everyone has expectations during that momments that sometimes it turns you down due to some reasons like thinking of your own alone.We need to think beyond our ecpectations before it getting too late.Tears are not enough but your concience will always there reminding you in everyday of your lives. Hope this story will inspired us here in blogosphere.

A young man was getting ready to graduate college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's
showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told
him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited
signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the
morning of his graduation his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box.

Curious, but somewhat disappointed the young man
opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible. Angrily,he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the holy book.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in
business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care things. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart.

He began to search his father's important papers and
saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With
tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he
read those words, a car key dropped from an envelope
taped behind the Bible.

It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words...PAID IN FULL.

How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?

Thanks to the author of this inspiring story I found.Readers please spread this out or you can repost this for the benifits of all.Thank you again.

my first cooking experience as caregiver

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yes these are onions we used for cooking and at same time used as medicines.But for me this served as a thing with a great story that I can't forget to the rest of my life.Everywhere I saw onions it makes me smile or laugh.

It happened  after two weeks that I arrived in this country.I was on my first employer at that momments.I was  so nervous but eager to show my best ability in any work . My first week was with reliever , also a pilipina that teach me  get familiarized especially in a bed ridden patient.(Hi BETH..there in Thailand with her family).She  showed me everything inside and outside  the house to say it  in hebrew  or english.I'm proud that I knew it all. The next week I went back alone because I knew everything when they asked in every word translation.Here comes the daughter of my employer, a big big woman and her facial expression was like a very strict person I felt. She spoke me in hebrew and I answered it word by word  in english. They never speak english at all  though understand a little.The first day I arrived I noticed the freezer type frigidaire that I ussually seen in some biggest restaurants or hotels in my country.A full packed freezer that in my mind was a question of why? my contract it was written a couple which is a bed ridden  patient of about 97 years old and an alzhymier woman of dont know nothing , so I need to cooked for them but why they have all this stuffs? that means there are more peoples coming in  and eat. Yes, the whole clan are coming Friday night  also friends and relatives during Saturdays.We start cooking Thursday and the whole day Friday. Changing everything  are the daily routine - the bed sheets,table cloth ,cleaning inside and outside the house.It was okey for me, I came here to work so this is it! The first 3 weeks she just instructed me to wash vegetables or cut  thru actions or hand gestures  while she was the one took all we need from freezer, a lot of meat I saw that I thought they are like carnivorous.Until one month  when time of cooking somebody called outside and it was a nieghbor friends of their family.Before she went out she told me to this and that, that I cannot remembered some.I was so confused because they have an attitude here of shouting  and that was normal I observed everywhere.When she came back to the kitchen I put all on the floor  everything what is inside the fregidaire. You know what I'm looking for? just a piece of  batzal means an onion. Then she shouted and yelled  at me but I'm still smiling because I didn't know what she's talking about.Its only now I remembered that was lucky day and if it is like today that I was adopted already of thier culture its a big   regrets for shouting her back , hehehe. The great things was I tried to speak thier language as early of one month and a half because of that incidents.  After one month and a half of working there the old man died and the old woman was transfered to a mental hospital. Next job I found was a bit easier because I understand a lot, again a couple with the same race before but there are lot of filipino caregivers sorround the place that I can easily ask anytime I need.

Vitamins of my employer..

Third week of the month I am always checking all the medicines of my old woman and before end of the month I"m giving all the list to the secretary to have it for the next whole month.When it comes to vitamins it was a kind of inventory that I'm putting all out what is inside the bottles. After few minutes of counting it was a coincedence that these vitamins form in heart.I just fixed 4 capsules to easily recognize the shapes.These are three vitamins she is taking everyday. 

Pharmaton(in dark brown color) 1X/day

Cranberries(vit c) 2X/day

B12 (pink tablet) 1X/day - sublingual

Note: This is not a paid review..oh... by the way I want to let you know that all of that I reviewed before .THANKS they never pay me until sorry for your emails.

elderly fart, burp.etc

>> Monday, March 16, 2009

Yesterday while I'm waiting the bus to go back to work,one fellow caregiver - I just meet her for first time in bus station,  she ask why elderly have always "fart and burp".Before I went down from my friends flat upstair that was also the topic of so many caregivers there. So funny but learn why and what to do. For childrens and matured one's we can say it un-ethical(bastos! or walang modo! in tagalog) if you do it in many crowds. It was always uncontrolable and accidentally happenned that becomes a funny momments.You should stay away with somebody near you was the first lesson when I was in grade one.I remembered my father if he smell or heard it - he blown everything what he has in the mouth and got angry to whom of us dispose  that fart. Hey...(otot lang yan  or tae lng pala eh), just a bad air scattered is the common words to all caregivers here.It is also means as unit of gaseous particles from one's rectum. I observed here that fart was not too bad compared to burp.You can do it even in many people sorrounds you. hehehe...Or some said it was the smell of dollar.If you asked the word translation of "otot" in english - the first facial expresion was to smile or laugh..I dont know why - just ask any filipino near you or any where you meet.

buhurp Pictures, Images and Photos

On otherhand "burping" sounds bad here, it was not like a blessings as I've learned eversince. Burp means an extreme gaseous oral eruption according to some specialist.This also a sign of anxiety that can only be seen always to depression cases patients.Occurrence was not only after meal but anytime they want attention.Both farts and burps causes during swallowing food and talking in same period of time.Air traveled in all parts of intestines that sometimes anyone sitting beside you or near you heard about it.

Thanks it comes out or else we need to go again in an emergency room in a nearest hospital.



>> Friday, March 13, 2009

Last Sunday night,March 08,2009 - my employer was rushed to the hospital that I just arrived few minutes from day off.It was caused by constipation. We know that most elderly has a big problems on these because all the time they just sitting or on bed. This past winter she is not walking most of the days due to bad weather, sometimes they are too lazy to go anywhere. We stayed in the hospital until midnight and then went back home.

According to studies these was due to poor dietary habbits.Lack of exercise that I cannot forced her to do it everyday.Insuffecient fluid intakes - coffee,soda,tea that she wanted to drink always are not considered to avoid contipation and it actually exacerbate the situation.Constipation is a sign of chronic dehydration.

Kinds of constipation are atonic (lazy bowel) and spastic (narrowing of the colon, with small, ribbon-like stools). Atonic constipation is a high fiber diet and increased fluid intake is recommended.Spastic constipation may be caused by an obstruction or nervousness or anxiety.

Medicines to reduce blood pressure and the cholesterol-lowering ("statin") drugs are sometimes the cause of contipation.

Here are some remedies or need to eat/take to avoid contipation.

01.Bran cereals - at least 1/3 cup of bran on your cereal each morning.
02.Flaxseed oil - is a traditional folk remedy. Take 1 to 2 tablespoonsful with lots of water right after lunch or dinner.
03.Carrot juice - essential oils in carrot juice have an effect on the mucous membranes in the stomach and help get the bowels functioning properly.This will help regain proper digestion. This is good for children, too.
04.Dates - Soak six dates in a glass of hot water; when cool, drink the water and eat the dates
05.Garlic - is effective for three reasons: it soothes, cleanses and reduces inflammation. It is also very rich in potassium which is essential for proper contractions of muscles, including the intestines.
06.Honey  - has mild laxative properties. Start by taking a tablespoon three times a day or add to foods or drinks.
07.Molasses - add 1 to 2 tablespoons a day to hot cereal or mix with warm water and drink it.
08.Olive oil - take one tablespoonful of olive oil in the morning and one tablespoonful an hour after dinner.
09.Pepper - make a massage oil of black pepper, marjoram and rosemary (one drop of each in a light carrier oil) and rub into the abdominal area.
10 .Persimmon - eat a persimmon if they are available.
11.Spinach - drinking a pint of spinach juice daily has often corrected constipation in a short period of time.
12 .Sunflower seeds - promotes regularity. Take a handful of raw shelled, unsalted seeds every day....etc.



This is also from Demz....Sistahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...kah..kah..kah ...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! The stone will roll next week ...hehehehe.For more than one week I did not post all those awards and tags just because I'm busy in my work...reasonssssssss....hehehehe.I put it all today, hope there's no messages that I neglected them ...cares!? hahaha.  


I got tag/award again that I felt the most and hardest post I will do.Why? my nickname was very rare even on dictionary , just few words you can find .How can I complete this...let's see...I'll try my very best! Dhemz in  .....                              gave me this - a friend that I can not say NO!.hehehhee.I'm afraid she might change my template again...hahahaha!

Award Rules :
Copy the questions below. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each questions. You can’t use any answer twice and don’t use your own name for questions # 3 & 4. After you’re done, tag 10 people.

The Questions:
What is your name?  
A four letter word:  
A boy’s name :  
A girl’s name :  
An occupation :
Vetirenary (I'm not)
A color :  
Something you wear :  
Vaduy (hehehe) 
A type of food :
Something found in the bathroom :
vuhook (ngee)
A place :
A reason for being late :
v asta lng (hahaha)
Something you shout :
A movie title :  
virgin forest
Something you drink :  
vino (wine)
A musical group :
------------voyuy (hahaha) 
A street name :
A type of car :  
volvo (want2buy if  lucky bet in lotto)
A song title:
 Vetween two lovers
A verb :
vomit (sorry)

Friendship AWARD

This is another award from Sudha of hhtp:// .Thank you very much my friend for giving me this award.This one proof that your truly and a great friend.

This award stated that---------- these blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement (? big word, lol). Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

You shouldn't MEME Tag!

Another TAG from http://Cacai's STEP and - I'm so proud of you to pass this tag to me ...please scroll back from the very beginning of my blogs posts for all the answers and to know more about me. Like being a crazy in my life, being of know nothing  blogger and all my secrets revealed. hehehe.

I'm passing all of these tags/awards to every visitors here that have time to post on thier sites as my one way of appreciation for coming into my page. If ever your busy and theres no space to put where just remember that I am giving you these.

TOP TEN EC DROPPERS (13feb-13march)

>> Thursday, March 12, 2009

1.ART JOOLREE -----------------------------30


3.ThemeLIB------------------------------------ 30

4.Cacai's Step and Journey-------------------28

5.Personal Finance Management Guide-----28

6.Chuchie's HideAway------------------------- 27

7.sudhersana ---------------------------------- 26

8.All Contests-----------------------------------26

9.We live to tell God's Amazing Grace------ 20 

10.Home of the Devil Genuis------------------ 20

Thank you very much again to all EC droppers! 



This is a follow up post below that I'm trying to fixed last two days. After sending a lot of emails and explanations of what I did to the support team now they did a great work on me. hehehe . First they delete my OTHERSIDE account then re-activated it.That's the only way to recover the SURVIVOR EC account.

So...first I did a test for dropping 300EC's again .Checking back and fort to both blogs that totally working good by now . I'm apologising the EC support team ,they deserved to be there on the top to resolve all problems.  

To those who requested advert that I approved but then not shown on OTHERSIDE widgets was transferred to the SURVIVOR. Please ask again the help support team if the credits are also given back, sorry I dont know how it works.

Again... thank you very much EC HELP SUPPORT TEAM .

EC droppers , EC adverts request, reply drop EC - I'm so SORRY

>> Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It has been a week that every one noticed of no updates this blog for so many reasons. After  I suffered fever and flu last week that I just called it "runny nose" (kuno) I can't post anything even I have on my mind.My eyes are not cooperating so as my laptop too. It was a long days everyday  I felt but I have no choice. I tried to drop EC's but it only 3-5 dropped then my laptop has hanged on and the only remedy to work it again was to shut it down.

To all request for adverts , I want you to know that I'm trying to revive the account but I was failed until this momments. Rechie did a help but still didn't worked out. I'm trying to contact the support but still I cant find where are the errors.I can't open the dashboard page, that's why I can not apprroved any request adverts. When my laptop broke down I used to registered the OTHERSIDE blog. Only  Sunday that I went to day off and  the administrator told me that they need to cut all my fingers of what I did.I left it open so you can read some messages said still they can drops.I cannot log in because I used in two blogs only one email without adding link blogs.

I did not updates even I bought new set of computer because of my employer was rushed to hospital that sunday night.So next days was a concentration to my employers needs everytime she asked.

My apologies to those un-approve adverts,to all droppers that I did not dropped back to your blogs, no visits or either messages.I'm sorry again.

enjoyed watching PURIM 2009

March 08,2009

    Sunday day off was very funny because this is a week of celebrating the jewish PURIM HOLIDAY. They are wearing some costumes of thier hero's , some are like horrors, men's are wearing womans outfit and vice versa , childrens are on thier "dream to be" costumes, some are super hero's and in popular characters we saw on tv, etc. I was so happy roaming around in the tourist center Ntanya seeing young high students wearing most of all as a funny creatures. I have some few pictures but I can't upload yet due to some accessories of my new computer will be deliver on next sunday.Sorry..but I will post it on my slides show as soon as I can upload it. Happy the whole day but sad the moment I arrived back to work.



>> Thursday, March 05, 2009

Here comes again another contest I'm joining and at the same time I sponsored for ads space for two weeks FREE on my two blogs.Come and join us your might be the lucky one of this HUGE-HUGE prizes. So simple to join in just three steps - 1: Take any photo from your computer and upload it somewhere. 2: Leave a comment with a link to your photo. 3: You are done! It is that bloody simple? So what are waiting for....Here is the link

List of Prizes and Their Sponsors

1st Prize - 40 001 ECs, $25 and ads on various pagerank 2 and 3 blogs.
The Postcard Collector - $20 CASH
lifemarriageandkids - $5 CASH (me) - 5 001 ECs
My note’s - 5 000 ECs
Diet Recipes Blog - 5 000 ECs
WhereAbouts - 2 500 ECs
Chuchie’s Hideaway - 2 500 ECs
Cheapest Airfare - 1 000 ECs
Michael Aulia - Technology & Reviews - 1 000 ECs
The iPhone Photographer - 1 000 ECs
Z Dark Room - 1 000 ECs
FickleMinded-A Pixel Worth A Thousand Words - 1 000 ECs
Chica Chika - 1 000 ECs
The Clamor of Kalinga - 1 000 ECs
a malaysian abroad - 1 000 ECs
Singaporean in London - 1 000 ECs
X O X. J A N E L L E .X O X - 1 000 ECs
Canadian Immigrants Networking Site - 1 000 ECs
My Trips - 1 000 ECs
Work-at-Home-Wealth - 1 000 ECs
Search Engine Panel - 1 000 ECs
I travel to work… - 3 000 ECs and two 125 x 125 advertising spaces for a week. This blog has a page rank of 3. - 1 000 ECs, grand winner featured at the site’s gallery and a permanent link
Serendipity - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. This blog has a page rank of 2. - 1000 ECs and a permanent link on the blogroll. Pagerank 2
Sri Lanka Real Estate - 125 x 125 advertising space for as long as you want.
Red Pine Mountain - a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 3.
Sunshine’s Photoblog - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 3
a site for women - a 125 x 125 advertising space for two weeks on the front page. Pagerank 2

2nd Prize - 20 001 ECs, $20 and ad spaces on pagerank 2 blogs.
One Photo Project - $20 CASH
Random Detox Travel and Tech - 3 000 ECs
101 Ways To make money Online - 2 000 ECs
iowa hippiechick- 2 000 ECs
A Simple Life - 1 500 ECs
Time! - 1 001 ECs
Time Recursion - 1 000 ECs
DesignersDepot - 1 000 ECs
Dancing in Midlife Tune - 1 000 ECs
The Path to the Pegasus Letter - 1 000 ECs
The Single Parent Talks - 1 000 ECs
Bryan Karl dot Com - 1 000 ECs
Wine at Five? - 1500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 2
Politicus.US - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space. Pagerank 2
Blogging resource and make money online - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 2
Life According To Me - 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 2
DK Books and Other Stuff! - 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 2
Exclusive Honeymoon & Vacation Resorts - 125 x 125 advertising space for as long as you want.

3rd Prize - 10 001 ECs, $10 store credit and ad spaces on various blogs.
Rose Works Jewelry Blog - $10 credit at the Rose Works Jewelry Shop
Guilty Pleasures - 1501 ECs
Photos from Northern Norway - 1 200 ECs
Joyoz Photography - 1 000 ECs
My Beauty And Fashion - 100 ECs
Random Thoughts - 1 000 ECs
A Moment to Exhale - 1 000 ECs
Gewgaw Writings - 1 000 ECs
ThemeLib - 1 000 ECs
Photo Mine - 200 ECs
contest ♥ love - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for two weeks. Pagerank 2
The Struggling Blogger dot com - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
Health Is Wealth - a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 1 - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 1
Streaming - Online Watch - 125 x 125 advertising space for 2 weeks
Multiply Themes and Layouts - 125 x 125 advertising space for 2 weeks
Coastal Commentaries - a link for a month

4th Prize - 5 424 EC and some 4 125 x 125 ad spaces for a month.
Blog Tactic - 1108 ECs
Murderous Intention - 500 ECs
Life’s Journey - 500 ECs
Exploring My New World - 500 ECs
From This Side - 500 ECs
Sinigang For the Soul - 500 ECs
fragments of thoughts..a piece of life - 300 ECs
My Life’s Collection - 300 ECs
Viewpoint Publication - 300 ECs
DedeAndro™ - 266 ECs
Skinny Queen - 150 ECs
_el@i_ - 500 and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
Fire and Glass-Sweetwater Designs - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
Moved by Photos - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
Photos From Red Pine Mountain - a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month

5th Prize - 5 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
Anything Goes W/ Pahn - 3 000 ECs
LovelyPurses - 1500 ECs
Online How To - 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month

6th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
Symphony of Love -1 000 ECs
Ask Ms Recipe - 500 ECs
Health And Fitness Journal - 500 ECs
Denise Lee Porter - 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month

7th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
Dragon Blogger - 1 000 ECs
Øblog - 1 000 ECs Dot Com - 500 ECs
The Fountain Of Happiness - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month

8th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
In Retrospect - 2 000 ECs
24patrol - 500 ECs
AddYours® - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month

9th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
Life as Experienced Daily - 2 000 ECs
Journal of Journey - 500 ECs
Cacai’s Step and Journey - a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month

10th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
My Life’s Adventure - 1 000 ECs
My Road - 500 ECs
R…E…B…E…L…?!? - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month

11th Prize - 2 500 ECs and 2 125 x 125 advertising spaces.
Vacation and Travel Photos - 500 ECs - 2 000 ECs and 2 different 125×125 advertising spaces at the random ads section.

12th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an adspace for 2 months
Peek-A-Boo - 1 000 ECs
Coloraddiction - glass, beads and color - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for 2 months

13th Prize - 2 000 ECs and and 2 ad spaces for 2 weeks.
Wonderful Things In Life - 1 000 ECs
Ode to Adrienne - 1 000 ECs
walkingnewspaper - 2 different 125 x 125 advertising spaces for 2 weeks

14th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an ad space for 2 weeks.
The Joy Of Life Forever - 1 000 ECs
OTHERSIDE OF MY LIFE. - a 125 x 125 advertising space for two weeks

15th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an ad space
Twerlermz’ Blog - 1 000 ECs
Vertical Haven - 1 000 ECs
SoniaManuela.Com - 125 x 125 advertising space

16th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an adspace for 15 days.
glitchline - 1 000 ECs
Making sense…(somehow) - 1 000 ECs
Webloggerdai - a 200 x 200 advertising space for 15 days

17th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an ad space for 2 weeks
TribeChat Network Blogs - 1 000 ECs
eastcoastlife - 1 000 ECs
SURVIVOR: the REALITY of my LIFE - a 125 x 125 advertising space for two weeks

18th Prize - 2 000 ECs and a blog post about you
Day Break - 2 000 ECs
Ellie Yan Dot Com - a blog post

19th Prize - 2 000 ECs
Link Exchange Service Network - 500 ECs
New York Chica - 500 ECs
My Quality Day - 500 ECs
Hawksdomain’s Photos - 500 ECs

20th Prize - 2 000 ECs
My Life, Unplugged - 1 000 ECs
Caffeine Fix - 1 000 ECs

21st Prize - 1 500 ECs
Carnation - 500 ECs
KZBlog - 500 ECs
My so-called world - 500 ECs

22nd Prize - 1 500 ECs
Jeflin’s Investment - 1 000 ECs
Eating in New Zealand - 500 ECs

23rd Prize - 1 500 ECs
My Cornerstone Trio - 1 000 ECs
The Army Wifey - 500 ECs

Special Prize #1
The Journey of my life - 1 000 ECs, a text link for 3 months and 10GB hosting for a year
Special Prize #2
My Life’s Perception and Inspiration - a fashion watch, only available to winners in the US.
Special Prize #3
rEnmAi_cOoLbLOgs - 1 500 ECs
Grotto Girl’s 365 Day PhotoBlog - photo retouching for three digital photos.
Special Prize #4
ShengysDelight - 1 000 ECs
Texas RV Travel blog -125 x 125 advertising space for a month for travel blogs, 500 ECs for others.
Hot in Singapore - a 125 x 125 advertising space for 2 months
Special Prize #5
As Above So Below - One of the following astrological reports: The Sky Within, The Opportunities or the Asteroids.


What cause why runny nose occurred besides allergy?

>> Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I hate this winter season because I always have runny nose, teary eyes,headaches,fever, colds then coughing and frequent sneezing publicly.Sometimes I can not hold it. Like yesterday I was in the dinning room ,I used to get the lunch of my employer because she don't want to go.Almost tables of the dinning room filled with peoples eating their lunch and I have the biggest sneeze ever.I run to the cashier and trying to hide under the wooden lane where we put the stuffs for cashing in.Almost all the people their said "labre-yot" means good luck.It was embarrassing moments because all the food there has no cover . It is something like eat all you can or pick what you want because your paid it all.

Here are some causes I gathered and its true based on what happened to me always.
01.Blowing your nose so hard that the tissues swelled and blocked the sinuses.
02.A particularly virulent cold virus
03.Being fatigued, exhausted, getting no sleep
04.Some of the medications dry out the nose so much that the cilia couldn't’ get rid of the toxic products
05.Not drinking enough fluids such as hot tea with lemon.

So I need this to do, the hot tea and rest, but how? No work No pay here.It says Caregivers are prohibited of getting sick.So as long as we can move or work were doing it.

Another advise was:
...If you are prone to frequent cold infections, during the cold season, consider daily Hydro Pulse irrigation. This removes the ICAM –1 and may reduce the number of colds you get.
...I have a lot of those vitamin C&E but I dont know if it is working why still have this winter sickness.


bag tag

>> Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I got this tag again from RECHIE of Thanks again my dear friend for giving me another tag that so interested to me.You can see what contains during 12 hours day off only.But on 24hrs or more days I went to day off/holidays I'm bringing different bag and more bigger than sundays day off.

Here are the rules:
1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you can't go into your closet and pull out your favorite purse! We want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house.
2. List how much it cost. And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, we’d love to hear it.
3. Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your bag.

Here are the things inside.... passport-forget everything but not your passport if you are abroad, insurance I.D.- this served also as another proof that you have employer, sun glass - winter & summer time needed badly it here, coin purse , big wallet (alang laman),lipstick,lip gloss,hand cream,video cam,digi cam,comb,hand towel, scarf during winter, cellphone(antique na yan), earphone , embassy I.D.,notebook(ng mga utang hehehe) and ball pen.Sorry I never count any cost anywhere I go.What important to me is always there when I needed most.

Names to those next on this tag will be here soon.

mineral water

It was reported last week that the two brand names of mineral water here are not good for drinking.These brand names are the only water I'm drinking. Most locals especially the elderly are drinking water directly from the faucets.I can't drink it, I taste something like sea water, sorry but that's the way I taste it. But some workers here are drinking it too as I heard from them. I don't drink any soft drinks also , again sorry to all manufacturers.But in some occasions to where we go and some especial places I'm trying to drink soft drinks but not more than 2 glasses of any drinks if there's no mineral water.Water from the faucets if boiled for coffee or tea also good taste for me. Hot water and lemon I'm drinking during winter seasons.As of now I have stock in my room 5bot.X 2liters each bottle and 2bot. X 1.5liters.If it will finish I hope it will clear the sad news or else it is very hard for me.There are also a lot brands around the market but same taste which is no good for my tongue and my throat.

Burial tradition /my co-worker's father was died

>> Monday, March 02, 2009

Efrat's father had passed away, she is my co-worker here .Her father's name was SHRAGA WEIL was an artist, a well known person in terms of arts and paintings in this country, he wrote a lot of books that I saw one here. You can find more of his master pieces on the web.Just write his name on your search.

Efrat used to come twice a week here in my employer.If the weather is good they go out for a walk and talk all the way where they go and go back home.During rainy days she brought some stuffs that they played inside like one time a puzzle and playing cards.And if my old woman was not in the mood she used to tell stories that my employer likes very much. They always changing stories about Efrat's father,they knew each other because they just living in more or less 3 kilometers distance from here. But today's meeting with her was very sad.She did not report from work for more than a week because last week her father was died and only now she come back for work.We did not came during there "seting" due to heavy rains,strong winds ,thunder storms and lightning that past week.

"Seting" here was after the burial start. All friends and relatives came to joined the prayers, in some religious families I observed a long prayer they did.But in some they just come sit,talk,drink coffee,etc.for seven (7) nights.Their custom of burial is something different. If for example someone dies in the morning ,in the afternoon before sunset they must do the burials. There one case I observed here last few years , they wait for few days because one of the children was living outside the country, so they have to wait before burials . In my curiosity I asked them where they stored the body "its in the freezer" one answered me. I don't asked more than that and I don't know where.There's no coffin , the remains was covered by white thick cloth from head to foot.No one touched it but I did in my first employer.I never saw a "morgue" nor heard the word embalmer here or see a funeral homes.

My deepest sympathy to EFRAT, the only daughter alive,and to all their relatives.

food 4 the whole week

Today's lunch is 1/2 cup of plain rice,small chicken leg , a bundles of herbs and grasses(lols) and at the end a glass of tea.I'm using green tea with lemongrass & ginger.Nutritional value per 100ml of this tea are the following:energy(cal) = 0.6 protien(gr.)=o.07,carbohydrates(gr.)0.08, fats(gr.)=0 , sodium(mg)=1.2.Ingredients are chinese green tea,ginger root,lemongrass,lemon peels and natural lemon.

All of those fresh fruits & vege over there is for the whole week. 2 pcs medium size carrots, 2pcs small avocado, 2pcs large red pepper bell, 7pcs med.banana - that means 1 per day only, ngeeek, 1 large orange, 4 pcs small sizes cucumber, 1 big tomato , and big lemon too, note - no cooking! OMG!! how could I survive!.And drink a lot of water or tea everyday. My dear lord now I have runny nose and if I drink more water that means more warm water will comes out from my nose again. Know why, this morning I went to the office where to get all medicines of my old woman for the whole month , I stepped on the weighing scale it measured 78kilos AGAIN!!! So need to work out to throw out 8kilos in fastest days to come. Feeling good in 70 kilos so I don't have choice and do it again.... Diet (kuno).huh!ahhhhhhhhhhhh.


>> Sunday, March 01, 2009

Again, yesterday I went back to my friend's work place.She used to cook me my favorite glutinous rice cooked with coconut milk , brown sugar and piece of ginger.We get from coconut milk a polyunsaturated oils also called as polyunsaturated fatty acid is linoleic acid according to healthy facts researchers.And brown sugar we all know this is only a white sugar with a mixture of molasses. You can make your own brown sugar for just adding molasses with equal measurements mixed to white sugar. Ginger has higher average of anti-oxidants , spicy and I loved to smell it in the food.

I saw this trash again so I asked this time while they have another big trash bin which put inside cabinet down the sink. Her old woman has visited daily by her young grand children's residing around the vicinity.So young kids eating the fruits and the left overs was separated in non-organic waste. So they learned as early stages of 2 years old and above or even younger.Like the young boy holding a piece of banana ask me "do you know where my left overs put if can't finish it all, this is organic"? I pretend of don't know nothing ,so he told me where and he used to tell some more things what to be there at young age of 3.

But in my place where I was grown up we called it food for the pigs (kaning baboy).

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